Women in Business Law Speaker Series
Women in Mergers & Acquisitions Practice
Diane Frankle, Kaye Scholer LLP
Jennifer Muller, Houlihan Lokey
Prof. Eric Talley, Berkeley Law
Monday, November 24, 2014
Boalt, Koret Room; 12:45-1:45pm
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On November 24, Diane Frankle of Kaye Scholer LLP, Jennifer Muller of Houlihan Lokey, and Prof. Eric Talley, presented a recent study that confirms anecdotal reports that a wide gender gap persists in law firm M&A practices. Frankle and Muller, both accomplished experts in M&A and financial analysis, discussed what M&A lawyers do, strategies law schools and law firms can take to generate more interest in M&A, and how students and young lawyers can succeed in the field.
Co-sponsored by the Boalt Hall Women’s Association
Check out the photo gallery for this event.
Movie Night: Barbarians at the Gate
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Boalt Hall 110; 5:30pm
BCLB introduced Movie Night: Who ever knew business law could be so entertaining? Movie Night debuted with a screening of Barbarians at the Gate directed by Glenn Jordan and based on the book by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar, about the leveraged buyout (LBO) of RJR Nabisco. Commentary by Profs. Steven Davidoff Solomon and Robert Bartlett. Watch the trailer.
Private Equity Speaker Series
A conversation with Adrian Dollard
Qatalyst Partners
Monday, November 17, 2014
Boalt Hall, Booth Auditorium; 5:30-6:30pm
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Adrian Dollard spoke about the role of investment banks in mergers and acquisitions transactions as well as his own experiences as both a lawyer and one of the founding partners at Qatalyst Partners, one of the leading investment banks in the technology space.
Our Private Equity Speaker Series is co-sponsored by Kirkland & Ellis LLP.
A conversation with Randall J. Baron
Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd
Monday, November 10, 2014
Boalt Hall 100; 5:30-6:30pm

Randy Baron is one of the leading plaintiffs’ attorneys with respect to M&A litigation. He spoke about the role and responsibilities of plaintiffs counsel and the recent surge in M&A litigation.
General Speaker Series
The Bubble Next Time
Erik Gerding, CU Colorado Law
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Boalt Hall 110; 12:45-1:45pm
Bubbles undermine financial laws at the moment when they are most needed – when markets boom, regulators and investors let down their guard, and financial storm clouds gather. Market booms not only encourage policymakers to deregulate or relax financial rules. They also push policymakers to stimulate markets through changing the enforcement and interpretation of legal rules and granting legal preferences to certain financial markets. Moreover, the dynamics of a bubble undermine the incentives of market participants to obey the law. In his new book, Law, Bubbles, and Financial Regulation (Routledge 2014), Professor Gerding examined the ways in which market booms and legal change interact to profoundly destabilize regulation. He offered proposals for designing resilient and adaptive regulatory institutions to make financial reform sustainable.
General Speaker Series
A conversation with Sean McKessy
Chief of the SEC Whistleblower Office
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Boalt Hall 132; 1:00-2:00pm
Sean McKessy is Chief of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of the Whistleblower which was created by the Dodd-Frank Act to administer the SEC’s whistleblower program and to receive submissions of confidential information concerning securities frauds and other securities law violations. Under Mr. McKessy’s leadership, the Office of the Whistleblower has seen submissions grow to more than 3,000 annually from whistleblowers in all 50 states plus 68 countries outside the US. Since the establishment of the whistleblower office in 2011, the SEC has awarded more than $50 million to 17 whistleblowers.
Check out the photo gallery for this event.
Venture Capital Speaker Series
A conversation with Bob Gunderson
Gunderson Dettmer
Monday, November 3, 2014
Boalt Hall, Warren; 12:45-1:45pm
Bob Gunderson serves as principal outside counsel for many of the country’s leading venture capital firms, public and private companies, and investment banks. He is a nationally recognized authority in the areas of venture capital and emerging growth companies and has represented parties to many of Silicon Valley’s most significant financings, IPOs, and mergers and acquisitions.
Venture Capital Speaker Series
A conversation with William H. Hinman
Simpson Thacher
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Boalt Hall 100; 5:30-6:30pm
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Bill Hinman is one of the leading capital markets attorneys in America. He spoke about his personal experiences, including his recent representation of Alibaba in the largest IPO of all-time.
Lunch Time Talk with David Zapolsky ’88
David Zapolsky, Amazon Wednesday, October 29, 2014
International House; 12:50-1:50pm
BCLT, BCLB, and Dean Sujit Choudhry gathered with fellow students to meet David Zapolsky ’88 for a Q&A luncheon where he discussed his career development and the role of inside counsel in the tech industry. David joined Amazon.com in 1999 as Associate General Counsel for Litigation and Regulatory Matters and was promoted to Vice President in 2002. He became Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary in 2012-overseeing the company’s legal, policy, compliance, and regulatory affairs-and senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary in 2013. Prior to joining Amazon.com, David was a partner at the Seattle offices of Dorsey & Whitney and Bogle & Gates.
Annual Executive and Legal Education Program Offering
Managing Tax Audits and Appeals
October 23-24, 2014
San Francisco
In collaboration with Crowell & Moring, this two day seminar discussed current issues that impact the tax audit process. Designed for those with an interest in tax controversies, this seminar enabled corporate and tax executives to expand their knowledge of key features of the audit process and to focus on opportunities to improve an audit’s outcome through proper management at the early stages and during the administrative appeals process. The focus was on current developments in the audit and appeals process. Speakers included attorneys from Crowell & Moring, government representatives, and academics who addressed emerging issues related to National Appeals Office developments, large case audits, transfer pricing audits, and recent legislative changes related to tax procedure and administration. View the preliminary agenda here.
Check out the photo gallery for this event.
Curriculum Lecture Series
Smart Course Planning: What to Take in Business Law and Why
October 23, 2014
Boalt Hall 110; 12:45-1:45pm
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BCLB sponsored an information session about the business and tax law courses at Berkeley Law, presented by the faculty. The session reviewed the Spring 2015 classes and highlighted new course offerings. The program also reviewed the Business Law Certificate requirements for JD and LLM students.
Annual Executive and Legal Education Program Offering
Fundamentals of Banking Law
October 8-10, 2014
Bancroft Hotel, Berkeley
Berkeley Law certifies that this activity was approved for 19 hours MCLE credit by the State Bar of California.
In collaboration with the Boston University School of Law, BCLB was pleased to announce the sponsorship of Fundamentals of Banking Law
(formerly Banking Law Basics), an intensive 2½ day program designed to familiarize participants with the basics of banking law, including the critical policies, concepts and regulations that have shaped 150 years of banking law from the passage of the 1863 National Bank Act to the present. Learn more here.
Check out the photo gallery for this event.
The Corporation – An Alternative View Lecture Series
Can a Corporation Change the World and Make a Profit? A Talk with Vivienne and Eric Harr of Make a Stand, Inc.
September 29, 2014
Boalt Hall 140; 12:45-1:45pm
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With the power of social media, eleven-year-old Vivienne Harr launched one lemonade stand into a global movement to combat child slavery.“Make a Stand,” a socially innovative lemonade company, is a leading example of a new wave of hybrid “benefit” corporations dedicated to making charity their sales pitch. The company now sells their fair trade, organic beverages online and in stores all over the world, dedicating five-percent of all gross revenues to leading organizations working to eradicate child slavery worldwide. Twitter gave Vivienne the honor of ringing the bell at their IPO in New York on November 7, 2013—because executives believe Vivienne is a symbol of how Twitter can be used to change the world. Now Make a Stand has launched the Make a Stand app designed to revolutionize giving through crowd funding. Vivienne and Eric talked about their company, one of the new wave in social purpose benefit corporations.
International Law and Business Lecture Series
China’s Antitrust Enforcement Program
Nathan (Nate) Bush, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
September 25, 2014
Boalt Hall 105; 12:55- 1:55pm

Counsel Speaker Series
A Conversation With
Brett Pletcher, SVP and General Counsel of Gilead Sciences
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Boalt Hall 141; 12:45-1:45pm
This was the kickoff for BCLB’s GC Conversation Series in which students had an opportunity to meet with the SVP and General Counsel of Gilead Sciences and other chief legal officers of businesses to learn more about what the GC/CLO job entails, the comparisons between in-house and outside law firm practice, and how students and young lawyers can prepare for a career in either position.
Centennial Celebration of the Federal Reserve
September 12, 2014
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
This seminar provided an overview of the important role that the Fed plays in the payments system, and looked at innovation in financial technologies that portend a new era in payments, clearing and digital currencies. The Federal Reserve plays a key role in raising awareness, education and pursuing public policy objectives related to the safety and soundness of the payment system, and the development of products and services that are appropriate for users.
General Speaker Series
The French Revolution of Close Corporation: A Model for Europe?
Prof. Pierre-Henri Conac, Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, University of Luxembourg
Friday, August 29, 2014
Boalt Hall 141; 12:45-1:45pm

Business Law Certificate Ceremony
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Boalt Hall Warren Room; 3:30 – 5:00 pm
This year, the Business Law Certificate program recognized 38 recipients. Twelve J.D. and twenty-six LL.M. students were awarded the certificate in recognition of their completion of rigorous course of study in preparation for professional
practice as legal advisors to businesses, to business-oriented NGOs, and to
government entities. To learn more about the Business Law courses and Certificate programs click here.
To view a slideshow of the ceremony click here.
BBLJ’s Second Annual Women in Business Law Panel
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
5:30 pm, Goldberg Room – Pre-Panel Dinner and Networking Reception
6:30 pm, Warren Room – Panel: “Making the Business World Work for You”
The Berkeley Business Law Journal and the Berkeley Center for Law and Business held an annual Women in Business Law Panel. The evening began with a networking reception followed by a panel featuring successful female lawyers who shared their unique perspectives on the challenges confronting women in business law and how to succeed in this still largely male-dominated field.
Smart Course Planning: What to Take in Business Law and Why
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Boalt Hall 100; 12:45 – 1:45 pm
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BCLB held an information session about the business law courses at Berkeley Law presented by the business and tax law faculty. The session reviewed the Fall 2014 classes and highlighted new course offerings. Eric Talley presented the results of recent surveys of practicing attorneys on what courses are essential to develop effective skills as young lawyers and to position students to succeed in landing their first job and excelling in it. The program also reviewed the Business Law Certificate requirements.
BBLJ/ BCLB Symposium: Shareholder Activism
Keynote: Larry Sonsini, Chairman, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Friday, April 4, 2014
Boalt Hall Warren Room; 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Berkeley Law certifies that this activity was approved for 5.75 hours MCLE credit by the State Bar of California.
Listen to Audio:
Panel 1 – Shareholder Activism: Bird’s Eye-View
Panel 2 – Hot-Button Issues: How Should We Interpret the Current State of Play?
Panel 3 – Future of Shareholder Activism: Where Do We Go From Here?
Activist shareholders acquire significant stakes in publicly traded companies for many reasons: making short-term profits, increasing companies’ profitability over the long-term, and changing companies’ policies in order to comport with the shareholders’ social and environmental goals. Not surprising, given these disparate motivations, activist investors are perceived by various stakeholders as threats to be avoided, part of the current landscape and powerful forces motivating social responsibility. The symposium allowed regulators, attorneys, academics, and business leaders to share their unique views on this important aspect of modern business and law. Learn more here.
Social Enterprise Law Symposium: Financing Social Enterprises: From Start-up through Exit
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Boalt Hall Warren Room; 3:30 – 7:00 pm
Berkeley Law certifies that this activity was approved for 2.0 hours MCLE credit by the State Bar of California.
Listen to Audio:
Panel 1 – Early-Stage Financing & Mission Preservation
Panel 2 – Exits
The Boalt Social Enterprise Group and the Impact Law Forum presented a ground-breaking symposium on social enterprise law and finance! The symposium explored cutting-edge legal issues faced by social enterprises in different stages of growth. We heard from social enterprise attorneys, investors and entrepreneurs about the challenges of preserving mission through various stages of capital-raising and discussed creative solutions to overcome them.
Panel 1: Preserving mission through start-up and early stage financing;
Panel 2: Overcoming challenges later stage financing and “exit” present to mission-driven enterprises. A networking reception for students, practicing attorneys, and entrepreneurs followed. Learn more here.
Regulation and the Future of Money: Mobile Payments and Virtual Currencies
Thomas Brown, Paul Hastings
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Boalt Hall 100; 12:45 – 1:45 pm
Berkeley Law certifies that this activity was approved for 1 hour MCLE credit by the State Bar of California.
Watch Video
is just one of the technologies that are rapidly disrupting how people
store and move value. Mobile communications and cryptography, in
particular, are changing how we define value and authenticate
transactions. Regulation, for better or worse, is playing and will
continue to play a substantial role in how this industry evolves. Thomas
Brown brought his decades of experience to describe the evolution of
payment systems innovations from credit cards to the new world of
mobile payment systems and virtual currencies and revealed what
is and will be in your electronic wallet. Download presentation here>
Co-Sponsored with the Berkeley Business Law Journal
Pircher, Nicols & Meeks 2014 Joint Venture Challenge Award Ceremony
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Boalt Hall Warren Room; 4:30 – 6:00 pm
The Berkeley Center for Law and Business hosted a celebration of the results of the Pircher, Nichols & Meeks 2014 Joint Venture (JV) Challenge. The judges presented their analysis of the JV Challenge problem and announced the winners. The first place team received a $2,000 price and the runner up team received a $1,000 prize. Judges were Phil Nichols and Stevens Carey, partners at the sponsoring firm, and Josh Myerberg, Executive Director, at Morgan Stanley’s San Francisco office. The JV Challenge was organized by BCLB, with support from Pircher, Nichols & Meeks and Leo Pircher ’57.
Compliance Risks and Pitfalls in China
Gregory Wajnowski, GE Energy
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Boalt Hall 100; 12:45 – 1:45 pm
Berkeley Law certifies that this activity was approved for 1 hour MCLE credit by the State Bar of California.
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The recent GlaxoSmithKline bribery scandal and other recent scandals in China underscore the need for companies doing business there to understand and manage the risks associated with common business practices that are prohibited by US and Chinese law. Wajnowski took us through some risks and common practices and explained how to compete effectively while still being compliant. Download presentation here>
Co-Sponsored with the Berkeley Business Law Journal and Center for Chinese Studies
The Future of the Japanese Corporate Governance
Zenichi Shishido, Hitotsubashi University
Moderator: Richard Buxbaum, UC Berkeley School of Law
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Boalt Hall 110; 12:45 – 1:45 pm
Berkeley Law certifies that this activity was approved for 1 hour MCLE credit by the State Bar of California.

Co-Sponsored with the Berkeley Business Law Journal
Israeli Start-Ups in the International Arena
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Boalt Hall 105; 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Many Berkeley students find the Israeli business and hi-tech world to be fascinating. They want to learn about it in a theoretical way, but they also strive to work and intern in Israeli companies and start-ups, many of which have offices located locally in the Silicon Valley. A panel shared experiences of Israeli start-ups in the Bay Area from several perspectives. We explored the timeline of a typical start-up, from incubation to growth to decisions to go public or exit. We also drew on the perspectives of those supporting the start-up explosion through mentoring, advising, and investing. Following the panel, students had the opportunity to network with several Israeli start-ups from around the Bay Area. For more information contact Shir Davidovicz.
Co-Sponsored with the Berkeley Center for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
Financial Regulation in the Post-Reform Era: Putting Dodd-Frank in Context
Eugene Ludwig, Promontory Financial Group
Monday, February 24, 2014
Boalt Hall 100; 12:45 – 1:45 pm
Berkeley Law certifies that this activity was approved for 1 hour MCLE credit by the State Bar of California.
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From the Civil War to the savings & loan meltdown, U.S. financial regulation has been shaped by cycles of crisis and reform. What do changes like the Dodd-Frank Act mean for the evolution of the American regulatory model, and for global priorities like financial inclusion and development? Eugene Ludwig, founder and CEO of Promontory Financial Group, former U.S. Comptroller of the Currency, and former vice chairman and senior control officer of Bankers Trust/Deutsche Bank, placed these changes in the context of earlier reforms, including the interstate banking, financial holding company, and community reinvestment policy changes of the 1990s.
Steven L. Schwarcz, Duke University School of Law
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Boalt Hall 100; 12:45 – 1:45 pm
Berkeley Law certifies that this activity was approved for 1 hour MCLE credit by the State Bar of California.
How should the law help to control systemic risk—the risk that the failure of financial markets or firms harms the real economy by increasing the cost of capital or decreasing its availability? Many regulatory responses to systemic risk, like the Dodd-Frank Act in the United States, consist largely of politically motivated reactions to the global financial crisis, looking for wrongdoers (whether or not they exist). But those responses are misguided if they don’t address the reality of systemic risk. Systemic risk is a form of financial risk. The primary goal for regulating financial risk is microprudential—maximizing economic efficiency by correcting market failures within the financial system—and indeed some of those market failures can be factors in triggering systemic risk. Systemic risk regulation should therefore try to correct those market failures. But systemic risk more directly represents risk to the financial system itself. Any framework for regulating systemic risk should also include the larger “macroprudential” goal of protecting the financial system as a “system.” Download the paper here.
Co-Sponsored with the Berkeley Business Law Journal