Judicial Externships

Berkeley Law's Judicial Externship Program

Students are eligible to earn between 4 and 12 units of academic credit by completing a Judicial Externship in a Bay Area or Away in a court or chambers.  Typically, Judicial Externships are full time placements (10 units or more.) Students seeking local clerkships are encouraged to review the list of past Judicial Externships below, and then schedule an advising appointment with the Director of the Field Placement Program. Students are also encouraged to bring new placement ideas to the Director if they do not see a placement below. For students interested in doing a Judicial Externship outside of the Bay Area or abroad, please review our past Away Field Placements. The Career Development Office also has clerkship resources and guides available for students.

        Schedule an Advising Appointment   The Field Placement Application

Note: Students are advised to view current listings on b-Line prior to searching through judicial externships listed below.


Federal Courts- United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit

Federal Courts- United States District Court, Northern District of California

United States Department of Justice, Executive Office of Immigration Review

United States Department of Labor, Office of Administrative Law Judges

State Courts

California Public Utilities Commission


Interested in an Externship not Listed Here? Propose a New Externship to the Field Placement Director

The Field Placement Program is governed by ABA Standard 304:  Study Outside the Classroom and Berkeley Law Academic Rule 3 – the 295 Series – (c) Limitations.