Students who wish to examine the law in an interdisciplinary context may arrange to pursue a J.D. degree at Berkeley Law School and a master’s degree in certain other schools or departments on the Berkeley campus.
Click here to review the Admissions information and policies regarding concurrent programs.
Impact on Gift Aid Eligibility
All students who apply to the J.D. program are considered for non-loan aid through the gift aid review process. That said, gift aid intended for the J.D. program for students who pursue the J.D. degree concurrently or combined with another program is limited to less than six semesters of eligibility. In cases where the J.D. and a master’s degree is earned in four instead of five years, gift aid from Berkeley Law is limited to a maximum of five (5) terms. When accepting Berkeley Law Gift Aid, students certify that they understand that they must notify the Berkeley Law Financial Aid Office if they plan to pursue a concurrent or dual degree, and must consult with the Berkeley Law Dean of Students regarding their enrollment plans.
Impact on Tuition & Fee Assessment
Tuition and fees at UC Berkeley are comprised of various campus, UC systemwide, and departmental fees. For the current rates, click here to visit the Registrar’s fee schedule. Note that the Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition (PDST) accounts for the primary cost difference between each individual professional degree program, and students enrolled in a CDP may be assessed the higher of the two PDST rates for the duration of the CDP.
However, the School of Law has adopted agreements with select concurrent degree programs (CDPs) so that the total Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition (PDST) assessed for the CDP will be less than the total PDST associated with pursuing the two individual programs sequentially.
Per such agreements, students are assessed J.D. PDST for any term they are pursuing J.D. coursework. Therefore, typically five (5) terms of J.D. PDST plus three (3) terms of PDST for the second professional program, make up the total PDST assessed during the CDP. Students should consult with the Dean of Students at the Law School to discuss the prescribed enrollment tracks available to ensure this cost savings.
Such agreements are currently in place with the following programs
- School of Public Policy – Masters in Public Policy (MPP)
- School of Business – Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
- School of Social Welfare – Masters in Social Welfare (MSW)
- College of Environmental Design – Masters in City Planning (MCP)
*subject to change; please discuss if you intend to pursue a CDP
Students interested in pursuing a J.D. in addition to a J.S.P degree should consult with the Dean of Students, as six (6) terms of J.D. coursework are required to complete the J.D. program requirements. Therefore, students are assessed six (6) terms of J.D. PDST.
Other Considerations
Click here to review the information and policies regarding concurrent programs.