Room Planning Services
Non-class related use of Law School rooms for events
All concerns for Law Classes: contact the Law Registrar. It is prohibited for this office to make any changes to, or reservations for, Law Classes.
The Law School’s facilities, including the classrooms, event and auditorium space, and indoor and outdoor tabling and reception space, are reserved exclusively for use by the Law School.
- Only Berkeley Law faculty, departments, centers, and registered Law student organizations in good standing may reserve Berkeley Law facilities.
- Room reservations are for the Berkeley Law group making the request only. Reservations cannot be made on behalf of non-law student organizations or organizations outside the law school.
- During the designated Review Sessions/Reading Period, only law school meetings that are exclusively for faculty and/or staff may be scheduled in law school space. Meetings, events, etc. that include students or other members of the law school community are not permitted.
- During the Final Examinations Period no events can be scheduled in the Law School, except those related to the administration of exams. The only exception to this is that faculty meetings may occur in the Warren Room, so long as they are not disruptive of the administration of exams.
- Facilities must be used in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws, including ADA regulations, as well as in accordance with University policies and procedures. For details see UCPD Policies page.
- Due to law class schedule adjustments early each semester event requests cannot be immediately confirmed but are held in the system with an approved status. This holds the space and does not allow another group to reserve “over” your reservation. We cannot issue a final confirmation until the Registrar’s Office releases the rooms; or until three (3) working days before your event, whichever comes first.
- The law school building is not staffed after 5:00pm and we are unable to support events taking place outside of regular business hours (8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday). Events that are staged by Berkeley Law Centers or departments and are staffed by the employees of a Berkeley Law Center or department will be allowed after this time, with the understanding that employees will be present at the event, stay until the end of the event, and be responsible for clean-up once the event is over. The Law School is not able to accommodate requests for after-hours events that are not staged by a Berkeley Law Center or department; the law school does not have the staff to support this. Student event planners should seek assistance from ASUC to host an after-hours event. For more information regarding event support from ASUC or the campus Dean of Students.
- Often, students, Centers, faculty, clinics or others wish to hold events on the weekend. This can be for any number of very good reasons, including the scarcity of large-capacity spaces M-F before 5:00 pm. However, the Law School is not staffed for weekend events. Campus janitorial services do not begin in our buildings until Monday morning. Media Services, Building Services, etc. are usually not working. In general, we recommend securing an alternative venue for a weekend event. If you feel strongly that your event takes place at the law school, you should be aware that you will need to have the budgetary resources to cover a wide range of direct and indirect expenses (e.g., overtime for janitorial or security, A/V support services, etc.).
- The Law School is not able to accommodate requests from student groups to host events for whom the law school community is not the primary audience. We do not have the room capacity, or staffing to support events of this nature, the resources are needed for events that are primarily intended for students, staff, and faculty in the law school. Student groups seeking to host a campus-wide/public event should contact ASUC or the campus Dean of Students.
- The Law School reserves the right to move events from a requested room or cancel events if they become in conflict with the Law School’s priorities.
- NOTE: all information on this site is subject to change to ensure compliance with public health and safety protocols, City of Berkeley orders, UCB alcohol policies, food and catering requirements, and space capacity limits.
Event, Catering and Food Policy: For all Berkeley Law students, staff and faculty
This policy continues in effect as part of our COVID-19 response, and applies to all events held at Berkeley Law.
For questions about event policy contact the Building Oversight Committee.
Event, Catering and Food Policy (on Berkeley Law website)
Room Request News
*Fall 2024*
The Berkeley Law room system is now open for room requests during the Fall semester.
*Spring 2025*
The expected opening day to start receiving requests for the Spring semester is December 6th at 10 A.M. Pacific time. This date is subject to change depending on the needs of Fall class scheduling.
Room Tools – essential links
Room Request System Address (Mazévo)
- Berkeley Law Room Requests (enter your email on the Mazévo page then click next)
Classroom Resource Tool
- Overview of law classrooms and equipment
Handy Links:
- Law Building Services
- Law Media Services
- Berkeley Law Events
- Campus E H & S Food Permit info and request
- EH&S Food Permit request only
- Law event alcohol permit info
- Off-hours Building Entry- Graphic of building with locations of doors here (PDF will download to your browser) Law Staff, Students, and Faculty with active Cal ID cards (Cal 1 card) can use the card readers at any one of four doors.
Requesting Rooms and Room Accounts, if you are:
All Berkeley Room System Users →ALL NEW!← System Upgrade How-To: A compact guide to all updated and new features
Please see the How-To Use Mazévo, Berkeley Law request system
Berkeley Law Student Body — Study/Conference Room Reservations via the Web
Please see the Student Terms of Use section
Berkeley Law Student Organizations and Journals — Class Room Requests via the Web
Please see the Student Term of Use section and the Room Request Basics for Registered Law Student Organizations and Journals
Berkeley Law Staff, Centers and Faculty — Room Requests via the Web
Please see the Department, Center, & Faculty Terms of Use section
Alternative Event Spaces
- Space is very limited due to the full class schedule at the Law School.
- In the event you are not be able to confirm a room at the Law School, Berkeley Law Events has compiled a list of other spaces available for rent on and off campus for your consideration.
- Note: this is informational only and does not endorse any individual facility. If you wish to schedule an event at one of these facilities contact that facility directly for rates and details, Room Planning does not schedule events outside the Law School.
- Alternate Event Spaces
For inquiries into room availability, usage or general questions, send email to
Or if you prefer Mail:
School of Law – Mail code 7200
University of California, Berkeley
Room Planning, Room 316
Law Building
Berkeley, CA 94720-7200
phone 510-642-7045