Legal Scholarship

Books  //  Journal Articles, Book Chapters & Other Writings


  • Daniel Farber and William Boyd, Supplement to Cases and Materials on Environmental Law (10th ed. 2021)
  • Eric Biber, Natural Resources Law: A Place-Based Book of Problems and Cases (4th ed. forthcoming 2018)
  • Daniel Farber, Estudos Aprofundados em Direito Dos Comparadas (Curtiba, Brazil: Editora Prismus 2017)
  • Eric Biber, Regulating Business Innovation As Policy Disruption: From the Model T to Airbnb¸ VAND. L. REV. (forthcoming 2017)
  • Eric Biber, Law in the Anthropocene Epoch, 106 GEO. L.J (forthcoming 2017)
  • Eric Biber, Wildlife Law: Cases and Materials (3rd ed. 2017) (with Dale Goble, Eric Freyfogle, Fred Cheever, and Annecoos Wiersema)
  • Daniel Farber & Marjan Peeters (eds), Climate Change Law (Edward Elger, 2016).
  • Ethan Elkind, Railtown: The Fight for L.A.’s Metro Rail System and the Future of the City (U.C. Press, 2014).
  • Rachel Stern, Environmental Litigation in China: A Study in Political Ambivalence (2013)
  • Holly Doremus, Lin, and Rosenberg, Environmental Policy Law: Problems, Cases, and Readings, 6th ed. (Foundation Press, 2012).
  • Daniel Farber, Environmental Law in a Nutshell (8th ed. 2010).
  • Daniel Farber and Michael Fauré, Disaster Law (2010) (edited reader).
  • Cymie Payne and Peter S. Sand, Environmental Restitution, Volume 2 of Designing Compensation After Upheaval (Chapter 1: Overview; Chapter 6: Oversight of Environmental Restoration) (2010).
  • Daniel Farber et al., Disaster Law and Policy (2d ed. 2009).
  • Daniel Farber, Jody Freeman and Ann Carlson, Cases and Materials on Environmental Law (8th ed. 2009).
  • Holly Doremus et al., Environmental Policy Law: Problems Cases and Readings (5th ed. 2008).
  • Holly Doremus and Dan Tarlock: Water War in the Klamath Basin: Macho Law, Combat Biology, and Dirty Politics (2008).

Journal Articles, Book Chapters & Other Writings







  • Dan Farber, The Unifying Force of Climate Change Scholarship, Perspectives on Environmental Scholarship (2018)







  • Daniel Farber, A Fatal Loss of Balance: Dred Scott Revisited, 39 Pepperdine Law Review 13 (2011).
  • Daniel Farber, Symposium Introduction: Navigating the Intersection of Environmental Law and Disaster Law, 2011 BYU Law Review 1783 (2011).
  • Daniel Farber, Issues of Scale in Climate Governance, in Dryzek, Norgaard, and Schlosberg, Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society (2011).
  • Daniel Farber, Clean Technology: Challenges for the Legal System and Legal Education (Korea Legislation Research Inst. 2011) (monograph in English and Korean translation).
  • Daniel Farber, State Climate-Change Regulation: Will It Survive the Federal Challenge?, in Schlager, Engel and Rider, Navigating Climate Change Policy (2011).
  • Holly Doremus, Climate Change and the Evolution of Property Rights, 1 U.C. Irvine Law Review 1091-1123 (2011).
  • Holly Doremus, Through Another’s Eyes: Getting the Benefit of Outside Perspectives in Environmental Review, 38 Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 245-278 (2011).
  • Holly Doremus, Adaptive Management as an Information Problem, 89 North Carolina Law Review 1455-1498 (2011).
  • Rachel Stern, From Dispute to Decision: Suing Polluters in China, The China Quarterly (2011)
  • Daniel Farber, The Challenge of Climate Change Adaptation: Learning from National Planning Efforts in Britain, China, and the USA, in the Journal of Environmental Law 2011; doi: 10.1093/jel/eqr015
  • David Caron, Climate Change and Arctic Governance: Three Images of a Changing Arctic, in The World Ocean in Globalization: Challenges and Responses 155-164 (with Davor Vidas and Peter Johan Schei, eds., Martinus Nijhof, 2011).
  • David Caron, Negotiating Our Future with the Oceans, in A Planet for Life 2011 – Oceans: The New Frontier 25-34 (with Pierre Jacquet, Rajendra K. Pachauri and Laurence Tubiana, eds., 2011)
  • David Caron, The Profound Significance of the UNCC for the Environment, in Gulf War Reparations and the UN Compensation Commission: Environmental Liability 265- 275 (with Cymie R. Payne and Peter H. Sand, eds., Oxford University Press, 2011).
  • Daniel Farber, A Typical Day in Environmental Suits, in the Environmental Forum (2011).  Also can be found at
  • Harry N. Scheiber, Taking Legal Realism Offshore: The Contributions of Joseph Walter Bingham to American Jurisprudence and the Reform of Modern Ocean Law, in Law, Society, and History, ed. R.W. Gordon and M. J. Horwitz (NY: Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp. 337-363.
  • Steven Weissman, Effective Renewable Energy Policy: Leave it to the States? 3 San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy Law. 345 (2011)


  • Holly Doremus, Adapting to Climate Change Through Law that Bends Without Breaking, 2 San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy Law 45-84 (2010).
  • Holly Doremus, The Persistent Problem of Standing in Environmental Law, 40 Environmental Law Reporter 10956-57 (2010).
  • Holly Doremus, The Endangered Species Act: Static Law Meets Dynamic World, 32 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 175-235 (2010).
  • Holly Doremus, Camacho, McLachlan, & Minteer, Reassessing Conservation Goals in a Changing Climate, Issues in Science and Technology, (Summer 2010), 21-26.
  • Rachel Stern, On the Frontlines: Making Decisions in Chinese Civil Environmental Lawsuits, Law & Policy (2010)
  • Michelle Wilde Anderson, Mapped Out of Local Democracy, 62 Stanford Law Review 931 (2010).
  • Eric Biber, Officious Intermeddlers or Citizen Experts? Petitions and Public Production of Information in Environmental Law, 58 UCLA Law Review (2010) (with Berry Brosi).
  • David Caron, Introductory Remarks: New Challenges — Environmental Marine Environments and Biodiversity, in Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea 319-322 (with Myron H. Nordquist, Tomas H. Heidar and John Norton Moore, eds., 2010).
  • David Caron, The Oceans in the Nuclear Age: Impacts, Observations and the Agenda Ahead, in The Oceans in the Nuclear Age: Legacies and Risks 515-534 (with Harry N. Scheiber, eds., Martinus Nijhof, 2010).
  • David Caron, The Law of the Sea, 2 The International Encyclopedia of Peace 603-605 (Oxford University Press, Nigel Young ed., 2010).
  • Holly Doremus, Lots of Science, Not Much Law: Why Knowledge Has Not (Yet) Been Power Over Greenhouse Gas Emissions, in William H. Rodgers & Michael Robinson-Dorn, eds., Global Warming: A Reader (Carolina Academic Press, 2010).
  • Holly Doremus, Water Law 103: Water Federalism, Part 2, ABA 29th Annual Water Law Conference (2010).
  • Holly Doremus (with Alejandro Camacho, Jason S. McLachlan & Ben A. Minteer), Reassessing Conservation Goals in a Changing Climate, Issues in Science and Technology (2010).
  • Holly Doremus and Michael Hanemann, The Clean Air Act as a Template for Climate Change Legislation, in Edella Schlager et al., eds., Climate Change and Federalism (University of Arizona Press, forthcoming 2010).
  • Holly Doremus and Bob Infelise, Foreword to the Annual Review, 37 Ecology Law Quarterly (2010).
  • Daniel Farber, Issues of Scale in Climate Governance, in Richard Norgaard and David Schlosberg, Oxford Handbook on Climate Change and Society (2010).
  • Daniel Farber, Lessons from the UNCC for Climate Compensation, in Cymie Payne and Peter S. Sand, Environmental Restitution, Volume 2 Of Designing Compensation After Upheaval (2010).
  • Daniel Farber, Uncertainty (Georgia Law Journal, 2010).
  • Cymie Payne, Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay: The International Court of Justice Recognizes Environmental Impact Assessment as a Duty under International Law, 14:9 American Society of International Law Insights (2010).
  • Joe Sax, The Accretion/Avulsion Puzzle: Its Past Revealed, Its Future Proposed, 23 Tulane Environmental Law Journal. 305 (Summer 2010).
  • Joe Sax, Some Unorthodox Thoughts About Rising Sea Levels, Beach Erosion and  Property Rights, 11 Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 641 (Spring 2010).
  • Joe Sax, Ownership, Property and Sustainability, The Wallace Stegner Lecture, University of Utah (2010) [to be published as a monograph by the University of Utah Press].
  • Joe Sax, Land Use Regulation: Time to Think About Fairness,  Natural Resources Journal (2010).
  • Harry Scheiber, Fisheries Policy and the Problem of Instituting Sustainable Management: The Case of Occupied Japan, in Strengthening Post-Conflict Peace-Building Through Natural Resources  Management  (United Nations Environmental Program Project joint project with the Environmental Law Institute). (with Benjamin Jones) (2010).
  • Harry Scheiber, Economic Uses of the Oceans: Past Trends and the Challenges Ahead, in David Vidas (ed.), The World Ocean in Globalization (2010),
  • Harry Scheiber, Legalism, Geopolitics, and Morality — Perspectives from Law and History on War Guilt and the Dokdo Maritime Boundary Controversy, in Seokwoo Lee and Hee Eun Lee (eds.), Dokdo: Historical Appraisal and International Justice (2010).
  • Steven Weissman, The California Public Utility Commission’s Pilot Program to Explore the Nexus of Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation, 22 Pacific McGeorge Global Business and Development Law Journal 257 (2010).


  • Michelle Anderson, Between State and Local Government: A Response to Professor Reynolds, 86 Denver University Law Review 1303 (2009).
  • Holly Doremus and Robert Infelise, Foreword to 2009 Annual Review of Environmental and Natural Resource Law, 36 Ecology Law Quarterly 201 (2009).
  • Eric Biber, Restoring Public Trust in the Public Lands: An Agenda for the New Administration, 36 Ecology Law Currents 159 (2009) (online version of Ecology Law Quarterly) (with Holly Doremus, Daniel Farber, Rick Frank, and Joe Sax).
  • Eric Biber, Climate Change, Causation, and Delayed Harm, 37 Hofstra Law Review. 975 (2009).
  • Eric Biber, Statistical Inference, Type II Error, and Decision-Making Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, 7 Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 487 (2009) (with Berry Brosi).
  • Eric Biber, Stopping the Conversation: Amended ESA Section 7 Regulations Put Species At Risk, 36 Ecology Law Currents 139 (2009) (online version of Ecology Law Quarterly/)/(with Cynthia Drew).
  • Eric Biber, Too Many Things to Do: How to Deal with the Dysfunctions of Multiple-Goal Agencies, 33 Harvard Environmental Law Review 1 (2009).
  • Eric Biber, Ripeness and Standing in Environmental Law, American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy, and Resources Constitutional Law Committee Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2 (June 2009) (with Amanda Leiter).
  • David Caron, Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and the Coming Uncertainty in Oceanic Boundaries: A Proposal to Avoid Conflict, Maritime Boundary Disputes, Settlement Processes, and the Law of the Sea 1-17 (with Seoung-Yong Hong and Jon M. Van Dyke, eds., Martinus Nijhof, 2009).
  • David Caron, Assessing the Impact of the Nuclear Age on the Oceans and Its Legal Regime, in The Oceans in the Nuclear Age: Legacies and Risks 3-15 (David D. Caron & Harry N. Scheiber, eds., Martinus Nijhof, 2009)(coauthored with Harry N. Scheiber).
  • David Caron, The Law of the Sea, in The International Encyclopedia of Peace (Oxford University Press, 2009).
  • David Caron, The Law and Politics of a Changing Arctic: Three Images and The Agendas They Suggest, forthcoming in The World Ocean in Globalization: Challenges and Responses (Davor Vidas and Peter Johan Schei, eds, Martinus Nijhof, 2009).
  • David Caron, The Oceans in the Nuclear Age: Impacts, Observations and the Agenda Ahead, in The Oceans in the Nuclear Age: Legacies and Risks 515-534 (David D. Caron & Harry N. Scheiber, eds., Martinus Nijhof, 2009).
  • Holly Doremus, Book Review: Large-Scale Ecosystem Restoration: Five Case Studies from the United States, in Mary Doyle and Cynthia A. Drew, eds., 27 Ecological Restoration 227-228 (2009).
  • Holly Doremus, CALFED and the Quest for Optimal Institutional Fragmentation, 12 Environmental Science and Policy 729 (2009).
  • Holly Doremus, A Challenge for the Obama Team: Put Science and Federal Scientists to Better Use, 36 Ecology Law Currents 151 (2009).
  • Daniel Farber, Adaptation Planning and Climate Impact Assessments: Learning from NEPA’s Flaws, 39 Environmental Law Reporter 10605 (2009).
  • Daniel Farber, The Birth of U.S. Climate Law, Comparative Law Journal [Thailand] 1 (Aug. 2009).
  • Daniel Farber, Review Essay: Rethinking the Role of Cost-Benefit Analysis, 76 University of Chicago Law Review 1355 (2009).
  • Daniel Farber, The Monsanto Lecture in Tort Law — Tort Law in the Era of Climate Change, Katrina, and 9/11: Exploring Liability for Extraordinary Risks, 43 Valparaiso University Law Review 1075 (2009).
  • Daniel Farber, Compensation for Victims of Climate Change, Jurist (# 1392, Feb. 2, 2009) (in Japanese translation)
  • Cymie Payne, Balancing the Risks: Choosing Climate Alternatives, Iop Conf. Ser.: Earth Environmental Science. 8 (2009).
  • Cymie  Payne, Local Meets Global: The Low Carbon Fuel Standard and the WTO, 34 North Carolina Law Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 891 (2009).
  • Cymie Payne, State of Play: Changing the Climate in Copenhagen, 13 American Society of International Law. Insights (2009).
  • Joe Sax, Env. Law in vol. 1, Encyclopedia of Environmental. Ethics and Philosophy (J.Baird Callicott & Robert Frodeman, eds. in chief, 2009).
  • Joe Sax, Our Precious Water Resources: Learning from the Past, Securing the Future, in Trevor Daya-Winterbottom, ed., Resource Management Theory & Practice (Resource Management Law Ass’n of New Zealand, Inc., 2009).
  • Joe Sax, The Property Rights Sweepstakes: Has Anyone Held The Winning Ticket?, 34 Vermont Law Review 137 (2009).
  • Harry N. Scheiber, Assessing the Impact of the Nuclear Age on the Oceans and Its Legal Regime, in The Oceans in the Nuclear Age: Legacies and Risks 3-15 (David D. Caron & Harry N. Scheiber, eds., Martinus Nijhof, 2009)(coauthored with David D. Caron).
  • Harry Scheiber, Frontier Issues in Ocean Law (symposium organizer and co-editor) in Issues In Legal Scholarship, Vol. 8. (Berkeley Electronic Press, 2009).
  • Harry Scheiber, Introduction: Perspectives on the History of the United States Non-Ratification of the Law of the Sea Convention, Publicist, vol 1, 2009.
  • Harry Scheiber, Japanese Policies, Ocean Law, and the Tuna Fisheries, Chapter 17 in Dale Squires et al., eds. Conservation and Management of International Tuna Fisheries, Wiley-Blackwell (2009) (with K. Mengerink and Yannhuei Song).
  • ]=’Harry Scheiber, Law of the Sea Symposium  (editor), Publicist (Berkeley Journal Of International Law Publication), vol. 1 (2009).


  • Michelle Wilde Anderson, Cities Inside Out: Race, Poverty, and Exclusion at the Urban Fringe, 55 UCLA Law Review. 1095 (2008).
  • Eric Biber, Climate Change and Backlash, 17 NYU Environmental Law Journal (2008).
  • Eric Biber, The Importance of Resource Allocation in Administrative Law, 60 Administrative Law Review 1 (2008).
  • Eric Biber,Two Sides of the Same Coin: Judicial Review under Sections 706(1) and 706(2) of the Administrative Procedure Act, 26 Virginia Environmental Law Review 461 (2008).
  • David Caron, Politics, Law and Three Images of the Arctic, Proceedings,  102th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law 151-160 (2008).
  • David Caron, Politics, Law and Three Images of the Arctic, Proceedings, 102th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law 151-160 (2008).
  • Holly Doremus, The Endangered Species Act: Static Law Meets Dynamic World, 32 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy (forthcoming).
  • Holly Doremus, Scientific and Political Integrity in Environmental Policy, 87 Texas Law Review 1601 (2008).
  • Holly Doremus and Michael Hanemann, Of Babies and Bathwater: Why the Clean Air Act’s Cooperative Federalism Framework Is Useful for Addressing Global Warming, 50 Arizona Law Review 799 (2008).
  • Daniel Farber, Five Lessons from the REACH Directive, in Law Research Institute, EU Law and East Asia in the Age of Globalization: Agenda for the Future 173 (2008) (in English and in Korean translation).
  • Daniel Farber, Climate Change, Federalism, and the Constitution, 40 Arizona Law Review 879 (2008).
  • Daniel Farber, Apportioning Climate Change Costs, 26 UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 21 (2007/2008).
  • Daniel Farber, California Leadership in American Environmental Law, 6 Studies Cultural Symbiotics (Okayama, Japan) 1 (2008) (Japanese translation by Yuichiro Tsuji).
  • Joe Sax, Environmental Law Forty Years Later: Looking Back and Looking Ahead,  IUCN 3rd Colloquium Lectures, Sydney,  in  Michael I. Jeffery, Jeremy Firestone, Karen Bubna-Litich, eds., Biodiversity Conservation, Law + Livelihoods: Bridging the North-South Divide (2008).
  • Rachel Stern, Studying Contention in Contemporary China (with Kevin J. O’Brien) , Popular Protest in China (Harvard University Press) (2008)


  • Daniel Farber, Basic Compensation for Victims of Climate Change, 155 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1605 (2007) (reprinted 2008-2009 Land Use and Environmental Law Review 415).
  • Daniel Farber, Confronting Uncertainty Under NEPA, Issues in Legal Scholarship, Vol. 8: Iss. 3, available at http://www.bepress.co9m/ils/vol8/iss3/arrt3.
  • Harry Scheiber, Ocean Tuna Fisheries, East Asian Rivalries, and International Regulation:  Japanese Policies and the Overcapacity/IUU Fishing Conundrum, 30 Hawaii Law Review (2007) (published Summer 2008)  (with Kathryn J. Mengerink,and Yannhuei Song)
  • Harry Scheiber, The United States and the 1982 Law of the Sea Treaty (co-author David D. Caron), American Society For International Law, Insights, vol. 11, issue 16 (June 11, 2007)