Law Firm Partners Program

Are you looking to position yourself as a leader in the field of energy and environmental policy? The Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) at UC Berkeley offers a unique opportunity for law firms to gain recognition and build connections with key players in the industry. This exposure will showcase your firm’s commitment to the field and increase your visibility among potential clients and colleagues. 


CLEE students smiling

CLEE Partners Program Benefits

Blue Level | $7,500

  • Be recognized as sponsor of periodic “Lunch & Learns” offered to CLEE’s community of 12,000 regulatory agency leaders, general counsel, academics, advocacy spokespeople, students, legislative aides, journalists, think tankers, entrepreneurs, and more. 
  • Guaranteed placement at CLEE’s environmental and energy law career fair.
  • Recognition on CLEE’s Partners Program webpage and in CLEE’s annual Snapshot report. 
  • Invitation to UC Berkeley’s Annual Leadership Roundtable, a private event.

Gold Level | $15,000

Benefits include all of the above plus:

    • Opportunity to host one CLEE “Lunch & Learn” MCLE offering per year at your office. 
    • Opportunity to do pro bono legal research on CLEE projects.
    • Recognition as co-host of the reception at CLEE’s energy & environmental career fair. 
    • Concierge services for customized campus tours, tickets to campus events, private tours of Berkeley’s art museum, Botanical Garden, and other special arrangements.

About CLEE's Lunch & Learns

Lunch & Learn
An in-person Lunch & Learn at a CLEE Partner’s office

Join government officials, public agency leaders, scholars, non-partisan policy experts, corporate counsel, and students in discourses at the cutting edge of law and policy, such as: 

  • “California’s Future and the Role of Natural Gas” with California Public Utilities Commissioner Cliff Rechtschaffen and Ken Alex, former Senior Policy Advisor to Governor Jerry Brown
  • “The Future of Climate Policy after West Virginia v. EPA” with Professors Dan Farber and Sharon Jacobs, on the ruling’s implications for regulation and the power of federal agencies. 
  • “Climate Risks to the US Financial System” with US Commodity Future Trading Commissioner Rostin Bohnam and CALPERS Investment Manager Divya Mankikar

About CLEE's Career Fair

Students at mixer
Students at a CLEE career mixer

CLEE’s annual Environmental and Energy Law Career Fair gives organizations and law students the opportunity to connect and explore overlapping areas of interest. 

Don’t miss this chance to elevate your firm’s profile and position yourself as a leader in the rapidly-growing field of energy and environmental policy. Join today! 

Contact | 510-684-4020

Thank you to our 2024 partners!

Gold Level

Orrick logo


Logo of Wilson Sonsini


Blue Level

hanson bridgett logo

Water and Power Law Group PC

Sponsorship benefits are implemented according to campus policies, which may change from time to time.