Current E&E Courses

This page contains course information for the current and upcoming semesters in order to help JD and LLM students plan their course enrollment in order to earn a Certificate of Specialization in Environmental Law and/or Energy & CleanTech Law.

Fall 2024 – Course Offerings

Energy Law and Policy

Sharon Jacobs

Law 270.6 3 Units MW 2:10 PM – 3:25 PM
Location: Law 140

Environmental Law Writing Seminar Sharon Jacobs Law 271.5
2 Units M 3:35 PM – 5:25 PM
Location: Law 111
Environmental Law & Policy

Eric Biber

Law 271 4 Units MTuW 10:00 AM – 11:10 AM
Location: Law 140
Ocean and Coastal Law


Holly Doremus


Law 264.1 2 Units
TuTh 08:35 AM – 09:50 AM
The Law of Hazardous Waste: CERCLA, RCRA, and Common Law Claims Bob Infelise Law 273.4 3 Units MW 11:20 AM – 12:35 PM Location: Law 107
Environmental Law Clinic

Steve Castleman

Law 295.5E  4 Units TBA
Advanced Environmental Law Clinic

Steve Castleman Law 295.5E 2-5 Units TBA
Field Placements
Sue Schechter Law 295.6C

4-12 Units TBA
Climate Change and Corporate
Governance Reform

Susan Mac Cormac Taylor

Benjamin Fox

Law 251.75 1 Unit Tu 6:25 PM-8:15 PM

Environmental Justice: Race, Class, and the Environment

Chelsea Hsin-Feng Tu

Michelle Ghafar

Law 272.2
3 Units F 10:00 AM – 12:40 PM
Public Lands and Natural Resources

Gregory Cahill Loarie

Law 273.63 3 Units W 3:35 PM – 6:15 PM

California Climate Law and Policy

Louise Bedsworth

Law 273.74 2 Units M 6:25 PM – 8:15 PM
Case Studies in Environmental Litigation: Going to Court to Protect the Planet Josh Floum Law 272.35 2 Units Th 3:35 PM – 5:25 PM


Past E&E Courses Offered