Climate Policy Research Fellow, CLEE
Hanna Payne is a Climate Policy Research Fellow at the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE). Before joining CLEE, she was a California Sea Grant State Policy Fellow with the California Coastal Commission, focusing on issues at the intersection of land use and climate change. Her work at the Commission included analysis of legislative items with coastal resource impacts, development of policy guidance documents for sea level rise planning, and research on the environmental equity implications of exclusionary housing policies along California’s coast. During her fellowship, Hanna worked with a team at UC San Diego to document, map, and analyze environmental and climate justice cases in coastal California counties. Hanna continues to work on projects with significant land use and local climate policy components at CLEE.
Hanna graduated from Stanford University with a master’s degree in Earth Systems and a Bachelor’s degree in human biology, Human-Environmental systems. During graduate school, she worked as a Communications and Research Associate at the Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions, where she studied climate impacts on global aquatic food production and policy barriers to inclusive participation in aquatic food systems.
M.A., Earth Systems, Environmental Communications, Stanford University
B.S., Human Biology, Stanford University