Research Fellow, Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment
Malcolm is a Climate Change Policy Research Fellow in the Climate Program at CLEE. His research focuses on the equitable deployment of electric vehicles and offshore wind energy. Prior to joining CLEE, Malcolm worked with the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT), providing research and outreach support for RIDOT’s Carbon Reduction Strategy and other federal grant opportunities. With guidance from Cambridge Systematics, he performed a baseline inventory analysis of on-road vehicle emissions in RI, then drew from the California Air Resource Board’s EMFAC model to create an electrification-scenario emissions forecast for RI vehicles.
Malcolm joined RIDOT after measuring high levels of traffic-induced noise exposure in Providence’s historically underserved communities while researching for Brown University’s Community Noise Lab. He graduated from Brown with a Master’s degree in Public Affairs and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Behavioral Decision Sciences.
MPA, Brown University
A.B., Brown University