2021 Cape Town Conference

Focus: Inequality in a Time of Global Crisis:

What have we learned about effective & proportionate responses?


The University of Cape Town (via Zoom)
July 14 – 16, 2021

Finalized Agenda

List of Speakers and Moderators with Bios and Abstracts

The 2021 Annual Conference of the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law will be co-hosted with the University of Cape Town with the conference held entirely on Zoom. A priority of the conference is the development of partnerships between the global north and global south. We anticipate registering up to 300 academics, advocates, and activists, many of whom will be from our partner institutions on the African continent. We are delighted that many global experts in the field have indicated their intention to participate.

Intersectionality will be a cross-cutting theme of the conference. In addition to more general anti-discrimination law topics, we expect to organize the parallel sessions along with the following five sub-themes:

  • COVID-19 and Global Inequalities
  • Gender & Sexual Identity
  • Racism & Xenophobia
  • Disability Rights
  • Pay Equity


For more information, please contact David Oppenheimer at Berkeley (doppenheimer@law.berkeley.edu) or Debbie Collier at Cape Town (Debbie.Collier@uct.ac.za).

All members of the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law and all persons scheduled to present at the conference may register here for a registration fee of $100. Any member who wishes to attend but cannot pay the registration fee may register for free by contacting David Oppenheimer (doppenheimer@law.berkeley.edu).

Inquiries about membership may be sent to doppenheimer@law.berkeley.edu. 

For any person who is not a member of the Center, once the conference concludes, recordings of the conference will be available via our website once edited and subtitled.