About the Digital Equality Working Group
The Digital Equality Working Group has been formed to explore issues at the intersection of law and technology, especially from a comparative perspective. It is aimed at initiating, capturing and promoting discussions that emerge from topics ranging from Algorithmic Discrimination and e-Governance to Hate Speech, Privacy and everything in between. It had its Kickoff Conference on 27th August 2021 which formally launched the working group. The Working Group’s co-directors are Katharina Miller, lawyer and activist devoted to implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, Laura Carlson, Professor of Private Law at Stockholm University, and Katarina Fast, Senior Lecturer in Law and Jurisprudence at Stockholm University.
Webinar: The digital divide and intersectional class discrimination (co-hosted by the Intersectional Class Discrimination WG)
May 21, 2024 at 8:00 am (PDT) / 3:00 pm (CEST)
Click here to register(opens in a new tab)
A Webinar: Legal Design & Plain Legal Language – Rethinking Law for Achieving Equality
January 18, 2024
Legal Design and Plain Legal Language are intrinsically related, for both pave way to clearer, more effective and more accessible Law. This webinar elaborates on how their combination can contribute to achieve equality for consumers and citizens. The speaker Anthony Novaes is a Brazilian attorney and academic researcher, M.A. Candidate in Linguistics at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (Brazil), and a guest professor in undergraduate and graduate courses in Latin America.
Click here to access the recording
A Webinar: AI, Algorithmic Discrimination, & Gender Equality
November 28, 2023
To what extent do algorithms enable or hinder the achievement of gender equality and non-discrimination goals, especially considering the phenomena of gender bias, machine bias and the gender data gap? Fabian Lütz, a researcher and PhD candidate at the University of Lausanne, answers these questions on artificial intelligence, algorithmic discrimination, and gender equality.
Click here to access the recording
A Webinar Series: AI & Discrimination Law
September 19, 2023
As part of an ongoing study, the BCCE Digital Equality Working Group presents case studies of discriminatory AI in different contexts. This webinar explores the application of AI in public school education systems and their far-reaching impacts.
Click here to access the recording
Who We Are
Katharina Miller
My professional activities and my voluntary work are strongly interconnected and all my (professional and voluntary) activities are related to the implementation of the Agenda 2030, because for me it’s of utmost importance to find solutions for our living together in the “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” by implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SGDs).
I am a committed Non-Executive Member of various corporate boards with extensive legal, operational and risk management experience and with expertise in Compliance & Ethics, Women Rights and Innovation & Technology worldwide.
I am a qualified lawyer in Germany and Spain with over 15 years of international practice across Western Europe, business owner, Adjunct Professor at the University Instituto de Empresa (IE) with Applied Ethics and Culture of Compliance, researcher at the Observatory of Sustainable Culture of Compliance of Spanish SMEs of the Foundation IE and I am a private expert with the Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe – Ethics appraisal scheme of the European Commission.
Laura Carlson
Laura Carlson is a professor of private law at Stockholm University. Carlson specializes in employment and labor law, gender, discrimination, academic freedom and critical legal theories. She was the 2014/2015 Stockholm Centre Oxford Fellow, University of Oxford, and has a J.D. Stockholm University (2007), Jur.Kand. Uppsala University (2000), J.D. University of Minnesota (1991) and B.A. Carleton College (1983). Carlson is the Editor-in-Chief, Brill Research Perspectives in Comparative Discrimination Law and a BCCE board member. Carlson’s books include The Fundamentals of Swedish Law (2019), Workers, Collectivism and the Law: Grappling with Democracy (2018), Comparative Discrimination Law: Historical and Theoretical Frameworks, Brill (2017) and Searching for Equality: Sex Discrimination, Parental Leave and the Swedish Model with Comparisons to EU, UK and US law (2007).
Katarina Fast Lappalainen
Katarina Fast Lappalainen has a J.D. in constitutional law. A former tax lawyer who is currently an assistant professor in law and information technology at the Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute, Law Department at Stockholm University. She has published articles and book chapters in different fields of law and has been the editor for several anthologies such as “AI and Fundamental Rights.” Among others, she has been teaching law at Stockholm university in different legal areas and is frequently engaged as a speaker at various seminars and conferences.
Student Assistants
Lydia Sidhom
- she/her