SABL & Alumni Fund Entertainment Reimbursement

Did you purchase meals, beverages, or light refreshments for a sponsored registered student group event or meeting?

Please follow the below instructions on how to seek reimbursement.

Please Note:  Student entertainment usually covers food and beverages (ONLY). No alcohol may be purchased using SABL or alumni funds. Events such as kayaking, wine tours, whitewater rafting, etc. will not be reimbursed. Please consult with Business Services regarding large events that require on-site caterers or if you require assistance with payment .

Students are responsible for their own expenses. The payee is always the person who incurred the expense.

When in doubt, prior to spending your money, check with Business Services ( and the Student Handbook first to ensure reimbursement requirements. Questions regarding your group’s SABL budget or fund should be directed to the SABL Treasurer and gifts and alumni fund questions can be directed to If your group is a student journal, contact If your group is one of the Student-Initiated Legal Services Projects (SLPS), please contact

For prompt payment for reimbursement of your student group expenses, please submit your reimbursement 10 days following the date of the receipt.

These purchases and forms of payment are absolutely not reimbursable:

    • Gift cards for “Thank you” gifts
    • Payments using gift cards 
    • Payments using reward points or credits 
    • Third-party payments — we reimburse only the person who incurred the expense
    • Peer-to-peer (P2P) payments such as Venmo, Square Cash, or Zelle

Prior to Reimbursement

    1.  Documentation & Receipts Required
      • Business purpose (how does the expense benefit the University and its mission)
      • Itemized receipt or invoice of what was purchased, amount of the purchase, date(s) of the purchase, vendor name
      • Event brochure or invitation or flier
      • List of attendees with full names (no initials or nicknames) 
      • Affiliation of attendees (relationship to the University)
      • Approval from SABL Treasurer 
      • Please be sure to redact all sensitive or confidential information from backup documents before uploading.  See Controller’s Office link on preparing documents for imaging.
      • Save all backups in one *.pdf file, so it can be uploaded at the end.


How to Submit Your Entertainment Reimbursement

Go the Entertainment Reimbursement Power Form link:  Student Organization Entertainment Reimbursement Request Form (link).   A Microsoft Sharepoint Login page will open. Enter your CalNet ID and password to access the Power Form.

2) In Box One, “Payee,”of the Power Form, enter your name as the Payee. 

3) In Box Two, “Pre-Approver/Co-Signer,” of the Power Form, enter the name of your group’s financial officer, or the designated co-signing group leader/editor and their Berkeley Law e-mail address. (If you are a financial officer/group leader requesting reimbursement, please do not enter your name as both Payee and Pre-Approver, but select a recognized co-signer of your group to act as the Pre-Approver of your request.) 

4) In Box Three “[Don’t Modify This Section] For Business Services.” Do not modify the section.

5) Submit “Power Form.” This will open the Berkeley Law Reimbursement Form.

Within the Berkeley Law Reimbursement Form, please enter the information listed below.  This information is required for processing. Incomplete reimbursement forms will be rejected.


  1. Your name as payee, your student ID number, and your contact information, including your Berkeley Law student e-mail address
  2. A description of what was purchased and the date of purchase
  3. A business purpose or reason for the purchase showing how it supports Berkeley Law and the University’s mission
  4.  An itemized receipt that shows what was  purchased.  The receipt should include the last four digits of your bank card. If the payment method is not listed on the receipt, provide a redacted bank or credit card statement that displays the transaction, vendor name, date, and amount paid. Redact any personal identifying information such as your account number, home address, and phone number.
  5. Recipient names, if the purchase is a gift or postage, or other items presented to students i.e gift/swag purchases (sweatshirts, crew neck shirts, branded merchandise).  Please provide full recipient names with affiliation (relationship to the University or associated outside organization).
  6. Attach supporting documents such as receipts, bank statements, event flyer, and guest list with affiliations. 
  7. Sign Form!

The student group financial officer or group leader will review the purchase and business purpose and approve if it falls within their group’s guidelines. Final budget approval will be made by the SABL treasurer for SABL funding or Business Services for gifts and alumni funding.  Reach out to these respective groups with any funding questions.  At any point in time, a team member from the Business Services department may reach out for additional information to add to the report or clarification on the reimbursement request to determine if the purchase aligns with UC policy. 

If you have any questions along the way, please contact us at, we are here to help!