Edoardo C. Raffiotta, Ph.D.

Headshot of Professor Edoardo C. Raffiotta





Edoardo Raffiotta is a Professor of Law at the University of Milan Bicocca. He is also a Fellow at the Public Law and Policy Program of the University of California at Berkeley and Legal Advisor to the Italian Data Protection Authority. He holds a J.D., Summa cum Laude, from the University of Catania (2004) and a Ph.D. in Constitutional Law from the University of Bologna. He was a Professor of Law at the University of Bologna (from 2011 to 2021). 

His main areas of interest are constitutional law, administrative law, and comparative law. He has published numerous articles and books: on the exercise of executive powers during a state of emergency comparing European and US constitutional systems; on economic governance and the role of public powers during financial crises; on fundamental rights protection; and on legal and administrative regulation in the tech field.

His main books are AI Anthology: Legal, Economic, and Social Profiles of Artificial Intelligence (a forthcoming publication by il Mulino); The Emergency Ordinance as Legal Rules (Bononia University Press, 2019); and The Multilevel Government of the Economy: A Study on the Transformations of the Constitutional State in Europe (Bononia University Press, 2013).

Prof. Raffiotta’s fellowship at Berkeley’s Public Law and Policy Program is concentrated on Tech Law and Cybersecurity. The study focuses on the legal effect of artificial intelligence applications, following trends in legal regulations within the EU and the US.

Edoardo Raffiotta is co-founder and co-director of the Italian-Spanish network on Constitutional studies and Academic Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme – Jean Monnet Activities – “The constitutional bases of Europe: building a “common European constitutional culture.” He is also a member of the Italian Section of the Hispanic-American Institute of Constitutional Law. He was the national expert for Italy in charge of drafting the report for the European Commission (DG JLS. Ref. JLS/2008/C4/002) on Consular Protection; legal expert of the Italian Transport Regulation Authority (from 2016 to 2018); visiting scholar at Berkeley, University of California, School of Law (2018); visiting researcher at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2016); and visiting researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2008).


J.D., Catania University (2004)
Ph.D., Bologna University (2008)