MEDIA ADVISORY March 31, 2016 ATTENTION: Reporters covering the environment, energy, climate change, real estate and housing. WHAT: A new report, Powering the Savings, reveals that efficiency efforts are not […]
UCLA and Berkeley Law Report Urges California to Adopt ‘Pay for Performance’ to Meet Energy Goals
The 4th Annual U.S.-China IP Conference: Best Practices for Innovation and Creativity
WHAT: The 4th Annual U.S.-China IP Conference: Best Practices for Innovation and Creativity WHEN: Thurs. Oct. 8, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Fri. Oct. 9, 9:00 a.m.—noon WHO: Lawyers, […]
Saving Mono Lake: Lessons Learned for CA Watersheds, Nov. 17
Contact: Michael Kiparsky | Mono Lake at 20: Past, Present, Future ATTENTION: Reporters covering science, environment, water, law WHAT: A symposium and live webcast held on the 20th anniversary […]
Rep Waxman cites Berkeley Law report, calls on FERC to combat climate change
July 29, 2014 … At a U.S. House of Representatives hearing today, Congressman Henry A. Waxman hailed a new Berkeley Law report as proof that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission […]
Attorneys Ted Olson ’65 and David Boise to address Berkeley Law graduates
Attention: Assignment desks and general assignment, higher education and legal reporters Contact: Susan Gluss, (510) 642-6936, WHAT: Berkeley Law 2014 Commencement Ceremony WHEN: Saturday, May 10, 9:00 a.m. – […]
Supreme Court of California to Hold Special Session at Berkeley Law
ATTENTION: journalists covering the Supreme Court of California, federal courts, and the law Media contacts: Susan Gluss, (510) 642-6936, Cathal Conneely, (415) 865-7651, WHAT: The University of […]
Legal Luminaries to Attend Forum on Supreme Court of California
ATTENTION: government, legal, political, and court reporters Contact: Susan Gluss,; 510-642-6936 WHAT: A one-day conference on the Supreme Court of California. Participants will explore not only substantive legal […]
Tech Talk: The Net – Utopia vs. Dystopia
Attention: Assignment desks and general assignment, higher education and technology reporters Contact: Susan Gluss, (510) 642-6936, The Internet: a catalyst for change or threat to personal liberties? WHAT: “The […]
How to Turn High Speed Rail into an Economic Engine for San Joaquin Valley
An August 20 lunchtime panel for leaders of cities and towns connected to the rail route WHAT: High Speed Rail in the Valley: Managing the Economic and Environmental Impacts A […]
US Attorney General Eric Holder to speak at Berkeley Law commencement
ATTENTION: General assignment and higher education reporters; weekend, photo, and TV news assignment desks Contacts: Susan Gluss, Berkeley Law,, 510-642-6936 WHAT: The University of California, Berkeley, […]
Reforming Copyright for the Internet Age
Attention News from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law Media Contact: Susan Gluss,, 510-642-6936 Reforming Copyright for the Internet Age MEDIA ADVISORY […]
Does Internet transparency threaten our democracy? Author Evgeny Morozov speaks about the folly of smart technology
ATTENTION: Assignment desks; high-tech, and legal reporters WHAT: An afternoon forum with author, columnist, and technology realist Evgeny Morozov. The event is sponsored by the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public […]
Berkeley Law Experts Available to Comment on Same Sex Marriage Cases
Contact: Susan Gluss, 510.642.6936 or Berkeley, CA—March 20, 2013 … University of California, Berkeley, School of Law experts are available to comment on next week’s two historic U.S. […]
Berkeley Law Privacy Forum: Silicon Valley
ATTENTION: Assignment desks; higher education, high-tech, and legal reporters WHAT: The second annual day-long Berkeley Law Privacy Forum will feature leading academics and practitioners discussing the latest developments in privacy […]
The Future of Rule of Law in China
Attention News from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law Media Contact: Susan Gluss,, 510-642-6936 MEDIA ADVISORY ATTENTION: Assignment desks; higher education, international, and legal […]
Local Governments and the California Constitution
Attention: government, legal, political, and general assignment reporters CONTACT: Susan Gluss,; 510-642-6936 WHAT: A one-day symposium on the California Constitution’s impact on local governments. Experts will cover a range […]
The Corrupting Influence of Money on Politics
Attention: Legal, technology, political, and general assignment reporters CONTACT: Susan Gluss,; 510-642-6936 WHAT: “The Corrupting Influence of Money on Politics,” a lecture by Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig, followed […]
“A Watched System”
Attention: reporters covering courts, juvenile justice, legal affairs What: “A Watched System,” a forum to discuss media access and coverage of the juvenile court system. On November 15th, Berkeley […]
Sept. 21 roundtable to grade President Obama
Reporters covering politics and the presidential election WHAT: “The Obama Report Card,” a political roundtable being hosted by the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law (Berkeley Law). Democratic and […]
The Future of Electric Vehicles: How to Boost an Emerging Market Sector
New report *Electric Drive by ’25 presented at Capitol Hill lunch briefing (live webcast available) sponsored by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) *Report embargoed until Sept. 10, 8:00 AM E.T. The […]
Overcoming Copyright Barriers to Our Cultural Heritage
Attention: hi-tech, business, educational and legal reporters How do we increase digital access to films, books, music, and art whose owners can’t be found? Media Contact: Susan Gluss (510) 642-6936, […]
California’s criminal justice system: challenges ahead
Attention: criminal, civil rights, government, and legal reporters Experts debate the pros and cons of the state’s radical new penal policies Media Contact: Susan Gluss (510) 642-6936, WHAT: Criminal […]
Israel High-Tech International Conference
ATTENTION: technology, business, international, and legal reporters Media Contact: Susan Gluss (510) 642-6936, WHAT: Israel Through the High-Tech Lens A two-day international conference about the economic, social, and legal […]
EPA Chief to Discuss Environmental Protection, Jobs at UC Berkeley School of Law
For Immediate Release MEDIA CONTACT: Mary Simms (415) 947-4270,; Susan Gluss (510) 642-6936, EPA Chief to Discuss Environmental Protection, Jobs at UC Berkeley School of Law SAN FRANCISCO […]
Women Scientists and American Competitiveness
ContactSuzi Emmerling, 202.481.8224, Patching America’s Leaky Pipeline in the Sciences Following the release of “The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything,” the Center for American Progress continues its […]
Conference takes on national health reform’s impact in California
ATTENTION: Health policy reporters and editors Contact: Sarah Yang, (510) 643-7741, What:“Bringing National Health Reform to California,” a one-day conference at the University of California, Berkeley, to address the […]
HIV & Neglected Diseases Patent Pool Conference
ATTENTION: journalists covering biotech, biomedical research, patent law Contact: Susan Gluss, (510) 642-6936, WHAT: A one-day conference to address a preeminent challenge of our time: the creation and distribution […]
Global flow of personal information raises consumer privacy risks
WHAT:UC Berkeley School of Law, The Centre for Information Policy Leadership, and The Privacy Projects release two new studies that show how businesses can take ownership of —and be accountable […]
Supreme Court of California to Hold Special Session at Berkeley Law
ATTENTION: journalists covering courts, the law, social justice Contact: Susan Gluss, (510) 642-6936, Lynn Holton, (415) 865-7726, WHAT: UC Berkeley School of Law will host a special outreach […]
Shared Responsibility, Shared Risk: Government, Markets and Social Policy in the Twenty First Century
WHAT:Please join the Berkeley Law Center on Health Economic & Family Security (CHEFS); the Social Science Research Council; and the Center for American Progress to explore solutions to the new […]
The legal and ethical impact of social networking
ATTENTION: journalists covering technology, criminal justice, law Contact: Susan Gluss, (510) 642-6936, WHAT:A one-day conference, Social Networks: Friends or Foes?, will examine the legal and ethical issues of civil […]
Berkeley Law Experts Available for Interviews on Sotomayor Hearings
U.S. Senate confirmation hearings begin next week Contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936 or Berkeley, CA—UC Berkeley School of Law scholars expect rigorous U.S. Senate confirmation […]
Impact of Key Environmental Law Decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court
Attention: reporters and editors writing about Supreme Court environmental rulings Media contact: Susan Gluss, 510.642.6936, WHAT: Live WEBCAST Tuesday This has been a blockbuster year in the U.S. Supreme […]
Teleconference on national health care reform with UC Berkeley law and policy experts
Contact: Kathleen Maclay(510) Susan Gluss(510) Two leading health scholars from the University of California, Berkeley, will be available to talk with reporters about federal health care reform in […]
California Supreme Court Expected to Rule Tuesday on Prop. 8 Gay Marriage Ban
Berkeley Law Experts Available for Interviews and Analysis Contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936 or Berkeley, CA—May 26, 2009… A ruling by the California Supreme Court […]
Symposium celebrates Professor Philip Frickey’s lifetime of work
Attention: Reporters and editors covering Indian and constitutional law Media Contact: Susan Gluss, (510) 642-6936, WHAT: An academic symposium to celebrate UC Berkeley School of Law Professor Philip Frickey’s lifetime […]
Berkeley Law Clinic Reps Colombian Murder Victim
Attention: reporters and editors covering Colombia, human rights, legal news Media contacts: Susan Gluss, 510.642.6936, Roxanna Altholz, 510-643-8781, raltholz@law.berkeley FAMILY OF COLOMBIAN MURDER VICTIM ASKS FOR MAXIMUM SENTENCE, REPRESENTED […]
Berkeley Law releases new report that describes how to create public health insurance plan
Attention: reporters and editors covering health care, medical news, politics Report explains how to structure a public plan as part of national health care reform, explores options for “Medicare-like” choice […]
Identity Theft & Security Breach Symposium
Attention: Technology, business and legal writers and editors WHAT: A one-day symposium on identity theft and security breaches. Experts from law, government, computer science, and economics will discuss laws that […]
Expert panel to examine Obama administration’s new Financial Stability Plan
ATTENTION: Reporters and producers covering the nation’s economic crisis Contact: Susan GlussUC Berkeley School of Law(510) WHAT: “Good Bank, Bad Bank: Increasing Credit Liquidity, Stemming Foreclosures and Supporting the […]
New Report to Highlight Need for Public Health Insurance Plan Outlined in Obama’s Proposals
Author Jacob Hacker Finds Public Plan Vital to Controlling Costs, Improving Quality as Health Care Reform Debate Centers on Public Insurance Choice WASHINGTON – House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee […]
Global Financial Market Turmoil
Attention: reporters and producers covering the nation’s economic crisis Media contacts: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, Janet Gilmore, UC Berkeley, 510.642.5685, What: “Global Financial Market […]
Executive Compensation Workshop: Rethinking Pay for Performance
Attention: Legal and business writers and editors Media contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, What: A half-day conference, “Executive Compensation Workshop: Rethinking Pay for Performance,” will […]
A Conference on the Supreme Court of California
Attention: reporters covering the courts, legal issues, civil rights and social justice Media contacts: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, Lynn Holton, Judicial Council of California, 415.865.7726, […]
Political strategists, experts to discuss America at war
For Immediate Release Contact: Janet Gilmore(510) What: “The American Presidency at War,” a daylong conference co-sponsored by the University of California, Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies and the UC […]
Berkeley Law Experts React to California Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage
Contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936 / 510.705.3366 (cell) Berkeley, CA—May 15, 2008… A landmark ruling today by the California Supreme Court overturned the state’s ban […]
Beyond Asylum and Jail: Protecting and Treating People Disabled by Mental Illness
Attention: Health, political, and legal writers and editors Media contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, What: The media frenzy that recently surrounded the involuntary psychiatric commitment […]
International Outsourcing of the Legal Profession
Attention: legal and business writers and editors Media contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, What: A one-day conference, “International Outsourcing of the Legal Profession,” will examine […]
Conference on the law and business of online advertising
Attention: Technology, business and legal writers and editors Media contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley, School of Law, 510.642.6936, What: A one-day conference, “The Law and Business of Online Advertising,” […]
Workshop on anti-corruption regulations
Attention: Business and law reporters and editors Media contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, What: “FCPA Workshop: Enforcement and Outcomes,” a program on the enforcement of […]