Media Advisory

Tech Talk: The Net – Utopia vs. Dystopia

Attention: Assignment desks and general assignment, higher education and technology reporters Contact: Susan Gluss, (510) 642-6936, The Internet: a catalyst for change or threat to personal liberties? WHAT: “The […]

Reforming Copyright for the Internet Age

Attention News from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law     Media Contact: Susan Gluss,, 510-642-6936     Reforming Copyright for the Internet Age   MEDIA ADVISORY […]

Berkeley Law Privacy Forum: Silicon Valley

ATTENTION: Assignment desks; higher education, high-tech, and legal reporters WHAT: The second annual day-long Berkeley Law Privacy Forum will feature leading academics and practitioners discussing the latest developments in privacy […]

The Future of Rule of Law in China

Attention News from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law   Media Contact: Susan Gluss,, 510-642-6936   MEDIA ADVISORY   ATTENTION: Assignment desks; higher education, international, and legal […]

Local Governments and the California Constitution

Attention: government, legal, political, and general assignment reporters CONTACT: Susan Gluss,; 510-642-6936 WHAT: A one-day symposium on the California Constitution’s impact on local governments. Experts will cover a range […]

The Corrupting Influence of Money on Politics

Attention: Legal, technology, political, and general assignment reporters CONTACT: Susan Gluss,; 510-642-6936 WHAT: “The Corrupting Influence of Money on Politics,” a lecture by Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig, followed […]

“A Watched System”

Attention: reporters covering courts, juvenile justice, legal affairs What: “A Watched System,” a forum to discuss media access and coverage of the juvenile court system.   On November 15th, Berkeley […]

Sept. 21 roundtable to grade President Obama

Reporters covering politics and the presidential election WHAT: “The Obama Report Card,” a political roundtable being hosted by the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law (Berkeley Law). Democratic and […]

California’s criminal justice system: challenges ahead

Attention: criminal, civil rights, government, and legal reporters Experts debate the pros and cons of the state’s radical new penal policies Media Contact:  Susan Gluss (510) 642-6936, WHAT: Criminal […]

Israel High-Tech International Conference

ATTENTION: technology, business, international, and legal reporters Media Contact: Susan Gluss (510) 642-6936, WHAT: Israel Through the High-Tech Lens A two-day international conference about the economic, social, and legal […]

Women Scientists and American Competitiveness

ContactSuzi Emmerling, 202.481.8224, Patching America’s Leaky Pipeline in the Sciences  Following the release of “The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything,” the Center for American Progress continues its […]

HIV & Neglected Diseases Patent Pool Conference

ATTENTION: journalists covering biotech, biomedical research, patent law Contact: Susan Gluss, (510) 642-6936, WHAT: A one-day conference to address a preeminent challenge of our time:  the creation and distribution […]

The legal and ethical impact of social networking

ATTENTION: journalists covering technology, criminal justice, law Contact: Susan Gluss, (510) 642-6936, WHAT:A one-day conference, Social Networks: Friends or Foes?, will examine the legal and ethical issues of civil […]

Berkeley Law Clinic Reps Colombian Murder Victim

Attention: reporters and editors covering Colombia, human rights, legal news Media contacts: Susan Gluss, 510.642.6936, Roxanna Altholz, 510-643-8781, raltholz@law.berkeley FAMILY OF COLOMBIAN MURDER VICTIM ASKS FOR MAXIMUM SENTENCE, REPRESENTED […]

Identity Theft & Security Breach Symposium

Attention: Technology, business and legal writers and editors WHAT: A one-day symposium on identity theft and security breaches.  Experts from law, government, computer science, and economics will discuss laws that […]

Global Financial Market Turmoil

Attention: reporters and producers covering the nation’s economic crisis Media contacts: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, Janet Gilmore, UC Berkeley, 510.642.5685, What: “Global Financial Market […]

Executive Compensation Workshop: Rethinking Pay for Performance

Attention: Legal and business writers and editors Media contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936,  What: A half-day conference, “Executive Compensation Workshop: Rethinking Pay for Performance,” will […]

A Conference on the Supreme Court of California

Attention: reporters covering the courts, legal issues, civil rights and social justice Media contacts: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, Lynn Holton, Judicial Council of California, 415.865.7726, […]

Political strategists, experts to discuss America at war

For Immediate Release Contact: Janet Gilmore(510) What: “The American Presidency at War,” a daylong conference co-sponsored by the University of California, Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies and the UC […]

International Outsourcing of the Legal Profession

Attention: legal and business writers and editors Media contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, What: A one-day conference, “International Outsourcing of the Legal Profession,” will examine […]

Conference on the law and business of online advertising

Attention: Technology, business and legal writers and editors Media contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley, School of Law, 510.642.6936, What: A one-day conference, “The Law and Business of Online Advertising,” […]

Workshop on anti-corruption regulations

Attention: Business and law reporters and editors Media contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, What: “FCPA Workshop: Enforcement and Outcomes,” a program on the enforcement of […]