Kenyon Farrow


Kenyon Farrow, Executive Director
Queers for Economic Justice

Kenyon Farrow has been working as an organizer, communications strategist, and writer on issues at the intersection of HIV/AIDS, prisons, and homophobia. Kenyon has recently become the Executive Director of Queers for Economic Justice. Prior to becoming ED, Kenyon served as the National Public Education Director, building the visibility of progressive racial and economic justice issues as they pertain to LGBTQ community through coalition-building, public education, and media advocacy.

Kenyon was also a Policy Institute Fellow with the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) doing research, writing, and advocating for new approaches to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Black gay men in the U.S.

While the Director of Communications for CHAMP, Kenyon lead the strategic communications efforts for the Prevention Justice Mobilization, and helped launch Project Unshackle—a network of AIDS activists and prison activists from across the country to work more strategically together at the intersection of mass imprisonment and HIV risk.

Kenyon has also led successful campaigns to tackle homophobia in the Black community. While with the New York State Black Gay Network, he launched a faith-based project—the REVIVAL! Initiative, help shut down a performance of homophobic dancehall artists, and launched a groundbreaking social marketing campaign challenging homophobia in the Black community, which has now been replicated in several cities across the country. He has also a founding board member with FIERCE!, served as Board Co-chair for Queers for Economic Justice, on the National Organizing body for Critical Resistance, and was CR’s first Southern Region Coordinator based in New Orleans.

In addition to his political work, he is the co-editor of “Letters From Young Activists: Today’s Rebels Speak Out” (Nation Books 2005) and the upcoming “A New Queer Agenda” (NYU Press). His work has appeared in publications such as,, After, Utne Reader, Black Commentator, Left Turn, POZ, The Indypendent, City Limits, and in the anthology, “Spirited: Affirming the Soul of Black Lesbian and Gay Identity” (Red Bone Press 2006).