Postgraduate Public Interest Fellowship Resources

There are many useful resources for learning more about post-graduate fellowships, but always be sure to check details and deadline of any given opportunity with the organization itself: 

General Resources

 Video recording of an information session on the basics of post-graduate public interest fellowships. Session handouts: Public Interest Fellowship Resources

Includes a searchable Fellowship Deadlines Calendar and several useful guides to Postgraduate Fellowships.

Contains all fellowship announcements received by the CDO.  If you are searching in b-line for opportunities, select “Fellowship Sponsor” or “Fellowship” in the Position Type pull-down menu in the search window.

  • Don’t forget to check potential sponsor organization websites!


International Fellowship Resources

Includes a number of useful resources, including a International Postgraduate Fellowships Guide

Contains listings of fellowship opportunities in human rights and international law

  • The Public Interest Job Search Guide, 18th Edition, Harvard Office of Public Interest Advising (#576 in CDO Library)

Volume II: International – Contains listings and descriptions of Post-Graduate Fellowships

A comprehensive guide produced by Yale’s Career Development Office.


Selected Project-Based Fellowships Links

Resources for select project-based fellowships are below, but there are many more fellowship opportunities.  The above links provide more comprehensive information.  Always be sure to check the details and deadlines of any given opportunity with the organization directly. 

 Creates partnerships among public interest lawyers, nonprofit organizations, law firm/corporate sponsors and other donors in order to afford underrepresented populations effective access to the justice system.  The online application typically goes live in early July.  Applications are usually due in mid-September.

Established in recognition of the dire need for greater funding for graduating law students who wish to devote their professional lives to providing legal services to the poor (including the working poor), the elderly, the homeless and the disabled, as well as those deprived of their civil or human rights.  Applications are usually due in mid September.

Justice Catalyst activates path-breaking approaches to social justice lawyering and affirmative litigation that have real-world impact and improve the lives of low-wage workers, the poor, and the marginalized. Towards this end, the Catalyst launches and supports early-stage projects with existing public interest organizations or public agencies that employ or wish to adopt innovative approaches or legal strategies to address social problems, and seeds new organizations aiming at transformative change. The application has multiple stages. The first stage, the prospectus, is usually due in October.

To fund innovative policy advocacy projects at the local, state, and national levels that will have a measurable impact on one or more of OSI’s U.S. criminal justice priorities. Projects must identify a clear policy goal and may range from litigation to public education to coalition building to grassroots mobilization to action research. Typically, applications are due in October.

Awards two-year fellowships to entrepreneurs to create new social change organizations. Applications are usually due in early December.

A one-year fellowship for a recent law graduate or new lawyer undertaking public interest projects that serve legally disadvantaged or underrepresented groups. Deadline to apply is usually in January.

Funds recent law school graduates for a year each to pursue their research and professional interests in an academic or professional career in law & aging.


Teaching/Clinical Fellowship Resources