Choose Your Challenge

Logo for #BerkeleyLawWellness hashtag with icons symbolizing wellness activities

A part of Mental Health Awareness and Wellness Week 2020.

For the week of October 5-10, participants will challenge themselves to actively focus on your own mental health and wellness every day this week in one or more of the Choose Your Challenge categories: Creativity, Exercise, Healthy Eating, Mindfulness, Self-Care, and Social Connection. Customize your challenge to meet your own needs!


How it works:

  1. Choose Your Challenge: Set a personal goal (or goals) for the week that fits into one of six health and wellness categories below.
  2. Register: Sign up individually or with a friend.
  3. Connect: Student Services will place participants in groups of four “accountibili-buddies” who will support each other in achieving their wellness goals by checking in with one another throughout the week.
  4. Share: We want to hear about your wellness journey! Post pictures of your successes and challenges to Instagram with the hashtag #BerkeleyLawWellness or if you don’t have an Instagram account, send your picture to Rachel Deletto ( in Communications! Not only will your pictures help motivate one another, but every time you share a post, your name will be entered into a raffle to win a prize!

The Challenges and Wellness Resources (click to expand)