Renewable Planning Webinar, 12/11/14

WHAT: A webinar covering  CLEE’s new best practices guidance on renewable planning

A recording will be available soon. 

Local leaders interested in integrating solar PV-supportive policies
into their general plans attended a webinar
with best practices and guidance on the subject.  The Center for Law,
Energy & the Environment (CLEE) at UC Berkeley Law hosted the free,
web-based event on Dec. 11th from 10 to 11am.  The webinar covered CLEE’s new best practices guidance, which highlights best policy
practices for both small-scale rooftop (ancillary) and medium-scale
(primary) solar projects.  It includes sample General Plan policy
language regarding 10 PV-supportive strategies, as well as guidance on
financing mechanisms.  This one-hour webinar introduced the project,
reviewed the guidance materials, and concluded with audience Q&A.  

CLEE submitted this planning guidance document to the Governor’s Office
of Planning and Research for inclusion in the general plan guidelines
update.  This guidance provides best practices, resources, and sample
policy language to help local governments plan for small-scale,
renewable energy development in their communities. More local renewable
energy will help the state reduce pollution and create local economic
development opportunities.