
Copying may be done at the Law School using the Boalt Library Copy Services or through outside copy vendors such as Copy Central.

Boalt Library Copy Services

In order to use the Boalt Library Copy Services, each semester you will need to provide the Publications Coordinator with a list of valid users for each of your respective journals. Once this list has been received, it will be forwarded to Boalt Copy Services, and they will keep a running total of each journal’s expenses, which will then be paid at the end of each month directly by the Publications Coordinator. The charges incurred by each journal will then be debited from your publication funds, without the hassle of journal members having to pay out of pocket and seek reimbursement.

Once your ‘allowable users’ list is in place, and you identify which journal you are part of, you will be able to have the copy services do your jobs as usual. You may also purchase copy cards in this manner, and do the copying yourselves. It is up to each journal’s editorial representative to inform me of any changes to your ‘allowable users’ list.

Outside Copy Vendors

If you plan on doing ongoing copying at an outside copy vendor, please contact the Publications Coordinator so that she can set up a Blanket Purchase Order for your journal. This will enable you to make copies throughout the year, and have them charged to a single purchase order number set up specifically for your journal. Please note, however, that it is imperative that you obtain receipts/invoices for each job you do, and submit them to the Publications Coordinator! Although the copy vendor will send the Coordinator monthly invoices, you must submit the individual invoices so that the charges shown on the monthly statements can be confirmed as belonging to your journal. In the past, charged have been applied incorrectly due to this not having been done.

If you have an exceptionally large job that needs to be done by an outside vendor, please obtain a price quote from the vendor, and submit it to the Publications Coordinator along with a Check Request Form. A purchase order specific to that order will need to be created.