Do you identify as LGBT? If you do, and you:
- are in a relationship
- or have been in a relationship
- or could not imagine being in a relationship
- or have thought about being in a relationship
- or date
- or don’t date
- or hookup
- or don’t hookup
- AND are 18-65 years old
…then we’d like to talk to you.
About the Research
Researchers at UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco, who identify as LGBT, are conducting research about the benefits and challenges of LGBT relationships. We invite LGBT individuals to speak with us about your past and present romantic relationships. We plan to interview LGBT people to learn how aspects of people’s lives and relationships are related to their wellbeing. We seek a diverse group of people in the study, including race/ethnicity, gender, class, and identification as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer. People who answer a short screening questionnaire (above) may be selected to interview with a member of our research team. The interview will be approximately 60-90 minutes, and you will be compensated with a $50 gift card.
Principal Investigator: Professor Russell Robinson
Paris DeYoung
Jose Barragan