When a fire alarm goes off, all students, faculty, and staff must vacate the building and assemble at the Emergency Assembly Area (EAA) for the Law Building. The EAA is noted on the Emergency Procedures signs posted by exits and stairways and in the image below.
When Evacuating:
- If safe, gather personal belongings that are in the immediate vicinity, Do not go to your office or locker to retrieve belongings.
- Stay calm; walk, don’t run
- Follow lighted exit signs. Often the fire exiting is different than the way you entered.
- Never use elevators
- Proceed to the designated EAA and stay there even after the alarm stops.
- Law school staff volunteers will be stationed at entry doors and will relay the all-clear from the appropriate campus personnel.
Disability Evacuation Procedures
During an emergency evacuation, individuals with mobility impairments should relocate to the Designated Waiting Area (DWA) and should follow the instructions on the signage located at each DWA. The signage includes rescue information to report to first responders.
DWA locations are shown on building evacuation floor plans posted near building elevators and most stairwells. If a DWA cannot be reached, individuals with mobility impairments should find a room with an exterior window and call 911.