Language Acquisition and Immigrant Integration

The process of immigrant integration and policies related to language differ significantly between European countries and the United States.  The United States does not have a coherent, unified national policy on immigrant integration or language access.  In fact, it is often state and local interventions that have been at the forefront of improving language access for immigrant populations.  In contrast, many European states have explicit strategies and dedicated funds for cultural, social and language integration and assimilation.

On May 4, the Warren Institute and UC Berkeley’s European Union Center of Excellence will hold a conference intended to bring U.S. and European experiences with immigrant integration under a comparative lens.  The conference will examine specific initiatives and programs in K-12 and post-secondary education, and also workforce training in the U.S. and Europe, focusing on the characteristics of successful cases.  Further, the conference will seek to draw lessons for U.S. policymakers from the European experience with national integration policies, particularly in light of potential large-scale immigration reform in the United States.


— May 4, 2009 —– 10:00am – 4:00pm —– Lipman Room, Barrows Hall, UC Berkeley —