Print Orders

For detailed information about print orders, refer to Chapter 3 of the Student Journal Editors Handbook.


Sample Print Order


A “print order” is a document that describes the specifications and printing instructions for a journal issue.  This order is created and submitted to the printer by the Publications Coordinator. 


A print order includes:

  • How many copies of an issue to print
  • Where to send the preliminary proof of an issue for inspection before production
  • Mailing instructions for issue distribution
  • Author offprint order information and shipping addresses
  • Information about special inserts or label carriers for the issue


Three things you should know about print orders:

  • Print orders must be submitted to Joe Christensen, Inc. by the Publications Coordinator before any action can be taken on your submitted article files. 
  • Files submitted without a print order will sit in the vendor’s order queue until the required print order has been received. 
  • Stay in frequent contact via email with the Publications Coordinator to confirm that every detail is in place for your issue, including the required print order, by the time you are ready to submit your article files to the printer. 



To prepare a print order, the Publications Coordinator will need this information about your issue a minimum of one full week before you plan to submit your files to the printer:

  • Table of contents (list of all authors and article titles, with or without page numbers)
  • Author copyright agreements (one for each author included in the issue)
  • Offprint order forms (one per article)

Any special instructions for the issue (increased quantity, special inserts, etc.)