Computer Purchases

Any computer related purchases (ie. Computers, printers, software) MUST go through the Boalt Computer Services Department.

In all circumstances, ALL COMPUTER PURCHASES, both hardware and software, no matter what the cost, should FIRST be requested through the Boalt Computer Services group for the following reasons:

  • Campus has negotiated very favorable contracts with various computer vendors that result in SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS for the Departments, including the Law School. Our Computer Services group can almost always get cheaper prices!
  • Equally important, Patricia Donnelly’s group can provide excellent advice regarding specifications and ordering; and, can ensure compatibility with the School’s configuration and support technology.

Contact Computer Services via their email: to request a time to go talk with them.

Once your computing needs have been determined, Computer Services will forward the specification information to the Publications Coordinator, who will then place the order directly.

You will be notified once your computers have arrived, and Computer Services will arrange a time to come by to install any new equipment.

Computer services can also assist you with advice of and purchasing: software, hardware, printers, scanners, etc.

YOU CANNOT BE REIMBURSED for any purchases of computers not following the procedure above.