Kentaro Furuya
The Utilization of International Mediation in Cross-Border Transactions
Masayuki Kanazaki
Climate Change Lawsuits and Related Policies in the United States
Yuka Kato (Hashigaya)
The Collaboration Between Attorneys and Social Workers on Cases Involving the Elderly and Persons With Disabilities in Public Law Offices
Hiroaki Yamaoka
Legal Solutions For Infringement of Rights on the Internet in the United States
Haruna Takahashi
The Interpretation and Improvement of the Issue of “Reasonable Accommodation” Under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA)
Keisuke Tomida
The “Sharing Economy” and Independent Contractors
Kazunori Furuya
Disclosure of State-Held Information and Discovery Used in the Judicial Review of Administrative Actions in the United States
Takehiko Kawame
US Correctional Treatment Systems and Practices with a Concentration on Death-Row and/Long-Term Inmates
Takuya Kawasaki
Criminal Trial Advocacy and the Practice of the Defense Counsel in the United States
Rie Nishida
Improving Defense Practice and Theory in Death Penalty Cases, and Developing Strategies to Achieve the Abolition of the Death Penalty
Takashi Tokushige
The Implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States
Yumi Itakura
The Employment and Labor Law System for Gender Equality in the United States
Hideki Wakai
The State of Biodiversity Conservation in the United States, with a Focus on the Effectiveness and Legal Framework of Biodiversity Offset and Its Possible Application in Japan
Suhyon Kim
The US Immigration System: Legalizing the Stay of Undocumented Migrants in the United States
Takeshi Nakamura
The Eradication of Organized Crime in the United States and an Examination of the Witness Protection Program
Yorinobu Kunimoto
The Rights of Sick and Injured Children in Medical Institutions
Chiemi Nakajima
Treatment and Rehabilitation Countermeasures for Juvenile Crime in the United States
Yoko Kobayashi
The Cooperative Relationship Between Private Assistance Organizations and Lawyers for Crime Victims; and Attorney Advocacy and Issues of Mental Health Care Assistance for Crime Victims
Junichiro Makita
Information Disclosure and Privacy in the United States
Hiroko Yuhara
Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure in the United States
Mika Matusmoto
Challenges to Legal Services Delivery in Rural California
Mayumi Ikawa
Countermeasures against Organized Crime in the United States
Tomoko Ikenaga
A Comparison of Legal Aid in Japan and the United States
Hiroshi Kawatsu
Trial Advocacy for Saiban-in System
Masayuki Honda
Judicial Assistance to Developing Countries and Legal Clinic
Azusa Shidara
Training of Defense Lawyer in Japan