The Future of Rule of Law in China
March 20, 2013
Sponsored by the Institute for Legal Research and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations’ Public Intellectuals Program, which is funded by the Henry Luce and C.V. Starr Foundations; additional funding from the Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley; co-sponsored by the Institute of East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley
- Jerome Cohen, Law, New York University
- Stanley Lubman, Berkeley Law
- Paul Pickowicz, History, UC San Diego
- Rachel Stern, Berkeley Law
- Alex Wang, Berkeley Law
China’s Influence on International Law
March 19, 2013
Jerome Cohen
New York University
The American Experiment: A 21st Century Assessment
September 22, 2011
Co-sponsored with the Jefferson Memorial Lectures Endowment, UC Berkeley
Rogers M. Smith
Political Science
University of Pennsylvania
Sharia in the West? What Place for Religious Legal Systems in America and Other Democracies
April 21, 2011
Co-sponsored with the Jefferson Memorial Lectures Endowment, UC Berkeley
John Witte, Jr.
Emory University
Japanese American Incarceration Reconsidered: 1970-2010
September 14, 2010
Co-sponsored with the Jefferson Memorial Lectures Endowment, UC Berkeley
Roger Daniels
University of Cincinnati
The Experience of Veterans in American Society
February 3, 2010
Co-sponsored with the Jefferson Memorial Lectures Endowment, UC Berkeley
Moderator: Prof. Harry Scheiber, Berkeley Law
Opening reflections:
- Prof. Richard Abrams, History, UC Berkeley
- RADM Harold Robinson, CHC, USN (Ret.), Jewish Chaplains Council
- Prof. T.J. Pempel, Political Science, UC Berkeley
- Jan Scruggs, Esq., Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund
- President Emeritus James Wright, Dartmouth College
- Dr. Michael Ascher, Institute of Medicine’s Board of Military and Veterans Health
- Prof. Lloyd Burton, Public Affairs, University of Colorado, Denver
- Prof. Richard Cándida-Smith, History, UC Berkeley
- Col. Rocky Chavez (USMC, Ret.), California Department of Veterans Affairs
- Prof. Todd La Porte, Political Science, UC Berkeley
- Lt. Col. Leland Liebe (US Army), ROTC, UC Berkeley
- Prof. Melissa Murray, Berkeley Law
- Prof. Gordon Silverstein, Political Science, UC Berkeley
- Lt. Col. Brian Stone (USAF), ROTC, UC Berkeley
Technology, Democracy, and the Law
September 17, 2009
Co-sponsored with the Jefferson Memorial Lectures Endowment, UC Berkeley
- Steven Usselman, History, Technology & Society, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Robert Merges, Berkeley Law
- Lee Tien, Electronic Frontier Foundation
The Mystery of Guantanamo Bay
September 17, 2008
Co-sponsored with the Jefferson Memorial Lectures Endowment, UC Berkeley
Linda Greenhouse
former Supreme Court Correspondent, New York Times
The War on Terror and the Rule of Law
September 17, 2007
Co-sponsored with the Jefferson Memorial Lectures Endowment, UC Berkeley
Honorable A. Wallace Tashima
US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit