20th Annual Berkeley-Stanford Advanced Patent Law Institute: Silicon Valley

Register Now

December 12 & 13, 2019
Four Seasons Hotel
East Palo Alto, CA

The  Annual Berkeley-Stanford Advanced Patent Law Institute is co-organized by BCLT and Stanford Law School and presents a roster of judges, academics, litigators, patent prosecutors, and senior IP counsel from major corporations offering a results-oriented, in-depth look at the latest developments in patent law and practice. 


Regular Rate: $990.00
Member of the Association of Corporate Counsel: $495.00
Group Registration for 5-9 people: $891.00
Group Registration for 10 or more people: $792.00
Government, Academic and Non-Profit: $390.00

CLE: 13.75 hours, including 1.25 hours in Legal Ethics and 1 hour in Elimination of Bias
(THURS: 7.25; FRI: 6.50, incl. 1.25 Ethics and 1.0 Elim. of Bias)






