Center for Technology, Justice, and the Courts

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Criminal law, civil procedure, and social justice issues typically don’t come to mind immediately when people think about technology law.  Yet technology issues percolate through all of them.  And not surprisingly, Berkeley Law is a thought leader with its original research into the intersection of technology and justice.

The Center for Technology, Justice & the Courts offers a unique forum for students, academics, and practitioners to explore the evolving justice issues caused by new technologies.  The Center drives research and education on a range of topics including: (1) evidence and procedure rules for science-based evidence; (2) the use of AI in the distribution of public goods like mortgages and employment opportunities; (3) the application of the 4th amendment to new surveillance technologies; and (4) opportunities for increased access to justice provided by AI.

The Faculty and Instructors that drive and contribute to this Center are among the world’s leading experts on the unique issues impacting the courts.  Notably, the Center works closely with the AI, Platforms & Society Center on issues of access to justice, with the Privacy & Cybersecurity Center on issues of proper data usage in the criminal justice system, and with the Life Sciences Center on issues of biometric evidence. The cross-pollination of this type of expertise provides a unique environment for education, research, and policy development.

We host and sponsor academic-focused events and industry-focused events–most of which are open to the public at no charge.  Check out our upcoming events.  As for past events, many of them are available on-demand–and free of charge–in our video library, B-CLE.