Health and Safety


Berkeley Wellness

8 Great Benefits of Walking

8 Great Benefits of Walking Of all the ways to stay fit, walking is the easiest, safest, and least expensive. A brisk walk burns nearly as many calories as running the same distance at a moderate pace and confers similar health benefits.



The Benefit of Curiosity

The Benefit of Curiosity

Why do we remember some things we experience or learn on a given day, but not others? The answer may lie in curiosity – and it could have important implications for how we understand and treat memory problems.



Reduce Allergy Symptoms: 10+ Tips

Reduce Allergy Symptoms: 10+ Tips

Hay fever is neither caused by hay nor associated with fever. Nevertheless, the term has come to describe the sneezing, runny nose, congestion, and itchy eyes that millions experience seasonally or year-round.



How to Stay Healthy on a Cruise

How to Stay Healthy on a CruiseAs if motion sickness on the high seas were not enough, many passengers on cruise lines have been struck down by gastrointestinal illness over the last few years, resulting in ruined vacations. Just how risky is it to take a cruise? And how can you prevent getting sick yourself?