Law Library Borrowing Privileges
Visiting Scholars will be automatically set up with Law Library borrowing privileges after they go through the onboarding process with the Visiting Scholars Program. This may take 24 to 48 hours.
Borrowing privileges in the Law Library are for circulating material only. Circulating material is checked out to patrons for a 4-week period of time. Visiting Scholars may not check out law journals, case reporters, statutes, or any other non-circulating material for use outside the Law Library. The library has a number of self-service scanners that can be used within the library.
The Law Library registration covers borrowing privileges for the Law Library only. For borrowing privileges at all other campus libraries, Visiting Scholars should go to the Main Library circulation desk to register.
Because of space limitations, the library cannot provide carrels or offices for visiting Scholars. Any books left in library carrels or on library tables will be reshelved.
Licensed databases, Lexis, Westlaw and Bloomberg Law Access
Law School Visiting Scholars can access licensed research databases from our database list . Access to these resources from off-campus is via EZproxy .
Law School Visiting Scholars are also eligible for Lexis, Westlaw and Bloomberg Law passwords during their stay at Berkeley Law. Visiting Scholars from other UCB departments are not eligible for passwords from the Law School. Please contact Farrah Fanara (Director, Visiting Scholars Program) who will submit a request for passwords during the onboarding process. As Lexis, Westlaw and Bloomberg Law are Internet-based systems they can be accessed from any computer with a web browser.
Computer Labs / Public Computers / Printing
The Law Library’s computer lab is for Berkeley Law students only and not available to Visiting Scholars. Some computers are available to the public throughout the law library for research use only. Visiting Scholars with a valid CalNet ID and passphrase can however use the campus wireless service, AirBears2. To print from your laptop to the law library’s printers you should see the information contained at How To Print from your laptop. You can also stop by the Student Computer Lab (LL131) for assistance in configuring your laptop for printing. You should note that Visiting Scholars do not receive free printing and will need to add funds to their Cal1Card. Printing costs 8 cents for single-sided black-and-white print-outs or 11 cents for each double-sided page. There is no available color printing.
Laptop Use and Support
There is wireless Internet access to the campus network throughout the Law School. This is part of the campus AirBears project. You will need a wireless ethernet card for this service. No registration is necessary, simply go to a wireless coverage point and open up a web browser window. This will automatically take you to an AirBears identification authentication window, where you will need to enter your Calnet ID and passphrase.
We have instructions for setting up your wireless connection on our Wireless page. This should be the first place you go if you are experience technical issues. If you are then unable to configure your laptop, you can contact the lab staff.
If you are using an English-language version of Windows, the lab staff can also work with you to diagnose virus- and spyware-related issues. You may also send problems to
Other Computing Facilities
Visiting Scholars have access to many of the computer labs supported by the UC Berkeley campus.