Borrowing from Other Libraries
The fastest way to get materials from other libraries depends on where you can find it. First, see if it is available (and not checked out or missing) at an on-campus library.
Libraries on Campus
If you’re having trouble finding an available copy of the book you need, please talk to a Reference Librarian either by chat or appointment. See “Contact Us” on our home page.
Renewing loans from Other Libraries
Books borrowed via UC Library Search may be renewed by logging into your account.
Items Located in On-Site Storage
Material in the Law Library catalog that lists Room 135 or Room 195 as the location, is shelved in one of two on-site storage areas within the law school. To access this material, log in and use the “Request to Retrieve” link.
Material is paged once a day around 2pm, Monday to Friday. You may pick up your material after 3:00 p.m. at the Circulation Desk. We will hold it for seven days.
NRLF Storage
For books located at NRLF (the Northern Regional Library Facility), first make sure you are logged in. Click “Request through Interlibrary Loan”
If you want an article or a range of pages scanned and delivered electronically, click on “Request NRLF Article/Chapter Scan.” The NRLF may limit the number of pages it will scan. Be sure to provide detailed citation information so the folks at NRLF know what to scan for you.
If you want the entire volume, click “Request through Interlibrary Loan” and follow the steps listed above.