Phase I Schedules are now available — click on the “Scheduled Interviews” tab of the OCI Section of b-Line.
Some things to keep in mind at this stage:
1. You can cancel an interview online up until 5PM no less than 3 days prior to the interview date. After that, cancellations can only be accepted for emergencies and only by contacting Assistant Dean, Terry Galligan (do not contact the employer directly or the Hotel Durant). Unexcused failures to attend will put your remaining interviews at risk.
We have had to put this policy in place and strictly enforce it for at least two reasons: 1) in order to give adequate notice to employers — many of whom are traveling a great distance to meet with Boalt students, and whose travel or work plans may need to be re-arranged in response to a change in their interview schedules; and 2) to protect positive and productive working relations with employers for the benefit of your fellow students and future Berkeley Law students.
2. You can sign yourself up for open interview slots beginning Thursday, August 21st, and up to the evening before the interview date. See page 8-9 of the OCIP Guide for details on how to do so. New open slots will be created whenever a student cancels an interview, so check frequently.
3. You are not free to give away your interview slot to any other student, nor to trade slots.
However, in the event of an unforeseen or unexpected conflict, you will be able to seek permission to switch your time slot with any other willing student who is on your same schedule with the same employer (firm and office). For details, see page 10 of the OCIP Guide. I would ask that you seek this permission as sparingly as you can — last year, students participating in OCIP felt oppressed by all of the emails they were getting from their classmates on their schedules asking if they would switch!
4. If there is a change affecting OCIP generally, it will be communicated via this listserv. If there is a change that affects only certain schedules, we will send a message to the email address listed in the b-Line profile of every affected student, so insure your b-Line profile email address is up-to-date and your email box is in working order, and check it every day during OCIP.
5. Bring extra photocopies of your resume, writing sample, list of references and photocopies of your transcript to each interview (for more information about references and writing samples, see page 12 the OCIP Guide). Employers do not get an advance look at your transcript and you should politely decline any request you receive from an employer to provide one in advance of your interview (you should tell them the CDO instructed you to do so). If you have not already done so, you should pick up your transcript from Simon Hall Room 789 (if you are a 2L) or from the Registrar (if you are a 3L who pre-ordered one).
6. What if your bid on an employer you were really interested in was not successful? See OCIP FAQ number 7.
7. Phase 2 bidding opens on Thursday, August 21st! Check the OCIP Calendar for Phase 2 dates and deadlines.