OCIP Is About Only One Narrow Category of Employers
You should be looking at OCIP as just one weapon in your job search arsenal. Those who rely exclusively on OCIP are limiting themselves to a very small slice of the larger legal marketplace (i.e., primarily very large, private sector defense-side corporate law firms).
Take charge of your own career decisions. Consider:
• b-Line jobs: Apply directly to many employers who want to recruit Boalt students, but are unable to visit campus. Listings are updated on a daily basis so check back frequently
•applying directly to employers not participating in the OCIP and not in b-Line (contact a CDO attorney-counselor for help in identifying appropriate targets)
•Public Interest: Work with Linda Maranzana, our public interest attorney counselor. Also, be sure to check out www.pslawnet.org.
•Public Sector: Work with Eric Stern, our public sector cuonselor. The Government Honors and Internships Handbook is a good place to start your research.
•Use your network: Explore other options with the @Cal Career Network, the Boalt Alumni Network, or contact your undergraduate institution to access its career network opportunities.
If you are working on the alternative timeframe of public interest, government, or a smaller firm search, please stay connected with the CDO attorney-counselors and do not be discouraged. Lots of students find their perfect job later in the fall or spring semester. If you haven’t talked to one of us in awhile, make an appointment now to map out a strategy. Deadlines for some of the more competitive public interest and public sector positions may be coming up sooner than you think.