Judges Talking

Friday, December 13
judges talking sticky notes
12:00 pm (PT)
75 minutes


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If you can’t attend or simply can’t get enough, feel free to dive into our database of judges intertwining with and impacting their communities in unique and inspiring ways:
Imagine what good things could happen if more judges just talked to each other? 
Please join Berkeley Judicial InstituteDenise Neary, and Michele Statz for an informal, freewheeling discussion for judges about all things judging.

We ask participants to register for one or all sessions, and to come to the session with:

  • something you want to tell others (great summer internship idea, new public outreach ideas)
  • something you want to ask others (hiring ideas, concerns about trends you’re observing in court, funding opportunities)
  • something you recommend a colleague do, read, or watch (mindfulness/wellness tips?)
  • something else you want to talk to colleagues about
We seek cameras on for an engaged conversation. Sessions will not be recorded, and only judges (of every stripe) will be invited to participate.  
Sessions will be:
  • Friday, December 13, 12:00pm (PT)
  • Friday, March 7, 12:00pm (PT)
  • Friday, May 2, 12:00pm (PT)
  • Friday, July 11, 12:00pm (PT)
  • Friday, September 12, 12:00pm (PT)
  • Friday, November 7, 12:00pm (PT)
Depending on how these programs go, BJI may continue these monthly programs.
Please share with judicial colleagues!