Introducing the Climate Judiciary Project

Friday, May 3, 2024
Noon (PT) / 3:00 p.m. (ET)
75 minutes



Are you noticing more cases involving issues of climate science on the court docket?

To explore this growing caseload and the issues of science and law those cases raise, Berkeley Judicial Institute will talk to Oregon Supreme Court Justice Rebecca A. Duncan ,National Judicial College’s Joy Lyngar, and to professionals from the Environmental Law Institute’s Climate Judiciary Project (CJP). CJP’s Helene Krasnoff will moderate the discussion, which will also feature her colleagues John Doherty and Jarryd Page.

This program will:
  • Introduce the work of CJP, describing how it is partnering with leading national judicial education institutes to provide authoritative, objective, and trusted education about climate science so that judges can make informed and fair decisions in the cases over which they preside
  • Discuss CJP’s educational programs for judges, as well as its Climate Science and Law for Judges curriculum (authored by leading climate scientists and legal scholars) 
  • Answer your questions about CJP
Justice Duncan will talk about her own experience participating in CJP programming.