International Human Rights Law Clinic, 12/15/20
Clinic Files Amicus Brief in D.C. Circuit Supporting Challenge to Immigration Ban
ELC joins fight against Formosa petrochemicals plant; Army Corps suspends permit
In October 2020, ELC filed a proposed amicus brief in federal district court on behalf of the Louisiana environmental justice groups Concerned Citizens of Saint Johns and Justice and Beyond, opposing the construction permit for a huge plastics production and petrochemical complex in the highly polluted area known as “Cancer Alley” or “Death Alley.” 10/20
Court Fines and Fees Fuel Colorado Governments at Expense of Poor
The Denver Post, 10/15/2020
Clinic Publishes “Money and Punishment, Circa 2020” with National Partners
Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law at Yale Law School, Fines & Fees Justice Center, PAC, 10/8/2020
Clinic-assisted cosmetics safety bill enacted as nation’s strongest disclosure law
The “Cosmetic Fragrance and Flavor Ingredient Right to Know Act” was signed into law after two years of work by ELC students, who partnered with client Breast Cancer Prevention Partners to force public disclosure of known-toxic ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products. Director Claudia Polsky discussed the bill in this San Francisco Chronicle op-ed. 10/1/20
Press Release: California Abolishes Regressive and Racially Discriminatory Juvenile Legal System Fees
Youth Justice Coalition, Western Center on Law & Poverty, 9/30/20
California Governor Signs Historic Bill Abolishing Unjust Criminal Fees
Debt Free Justice California, 9/21/20
Historic Bill Decreases Juvenile Legal Fees that Target Low-Income Families of Color
The Davis Vanguard, 8/28/20
Press Release: Broad-based Coalition Calls on Governor to Sign Historic Bill to End Racially-Discriminatory Wealth Extraction in the Juvenile Legal System
Youth Justice Coalition, Western Center on Law & Poverty, 8/26/20
Orange County Agrees Not to Collect $18.5 Million from Families Whose Children Were Locked in Juvenile Hall
Orange County Register, 7/15/20