This is our third OCIP related announcement. The other two are directly below this Announcement.
We will start with a word about where things stand. There have been some cancellations, but, as of now, the number of employers who are planning to come to campus remains at about 70% of the number of employers we had last year.
While there are significant variations from firm to firm and region to region, generally speaking, business at large law firms (the vast majority of the participants in OCIP) has, by and large, not yet picked up in the way some hoped. As a result, despite their cost-cutting measures, many continue to be in a state of over-capacity. Firms have deferred many graduates of the class of 2009 into 2010. Some summer associates from the Class of 2010 have already been told by their firms that, to the extent they receive offers, they will be for “no sooner than 2011.” Many firms will also be putting off their decision to extend permanent offers to their summer associates until later in the Fall in order to take into account as much market information as possible. A few have already publicly announced their intention to “sit out” the Fall recruiting season.
This means there will be much less hiring through OCIP. It’s impossible to know how much less at this point, but your takeaway from all these difficult facts should be not to rely solely on OCIP. We encourage you to take full advantage of the program, but we also encourage you to do some thinking about all of your options for next summer (and beyond) [For more about your options, visit the OCIP Alternatives webpage on the CDO website]. As you have heard us say before, flexibility (in terms of geography and practice areas) and networking are going to be absolutely key to your ultimate success. All of us in the CDO stand ready to help you.
The OCI section of the b-Line contains the most up-to-date information on the employers coming to OCIP (remember you will only see those employers interviewing for your class year). It is the place where you will be conducting your employer research (some of it, at least), submitting your bids, viewing/modifying interview schedules and carrying out all other online OCIP activities. If you are unsure about an employer’s status, feel free to contact Marty Grenhart at Marty is the CDO’s Recruitment Program Manager and handles all of the logistics relating to OCIP.
We strongly encourage employers who are interested in Berkeley Law students, but for whatever reason are not coming to OCIP, to post a job announcement in the jobs section of the b-Line, so be sure to check that regularly. NOTE: The job posting mechanism is functionally equivalent to the “resume drop” option that some Schools offer employers.
All of the information you need about OCIP can be found on the Fall OCIP homepage and the OCIP details page. If you prefer, you can print out a pdf version of all this information by following the “Printable Guide” link (under OCIP Resources) on the OCIP homepage.
Summer Employment Survey
Once bidding goes “live” (which will be August 13th), you are going to need to complete a brief online summer employer evaluation before you will be able to access the OCI section of b-Line. (As of August 13th, if you try to access the OCI section before filling out the evaluation, you will be automatically redirected to the Evaluations section of b-Line until you fill in at least the few required fields). Filling out the evaluation will only take a few minutes and will be of enormous assistance to current and future Boalt students.
Note: b-Line permits you to respond anonymously (by selecting “no” in response to the required question “May students contact you for further information about your summer experience?” towards the bottom of the evaluation form).
The evaluations are for the exclusive use of Berkeley Law students; employers do not have access to them. You will be able to view other students’ evaluations from this past summer and from the previous three summers by clicking on the “Search” Tab in the “Evaluations” section of b-Line (to access the “Evaluations” section, click on the “Summer Evaluations” quicklink from the b-Line homepage). Responses from summers prior to 2005 are available in print-copy format in the CDO.
Further Note: you can help your fellow students (and future students) most by taking just a little extra time to thoughtfully complete the questions at the end of the survey that call for a “narrative” type response (as opposed to just a 1 through 5 rating).
Mock Interviews
We are proceeding with our plan to offer one last opportunity for you to do a mock interview prior to OCIP interviews. Several practicing attorneys who are alumni and friends of Berkeley Law have committed to participate between 6PM and 8PM on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 11th and 12th. If you are interested, contact CDO Associate Director Sarah Cunniff at before the end of the day Monday, August 3rd. Space is limited. Interviews will be assigned on a first-com, first-served basis.
You do not need to order transcripts. The registrar will print out one official transcript for each 2L and 3L and deliver them to the CDO (you will need to give photocopies of your official transcript to OCIP employers at the time of your interviews). They will be available for pickup beginning Monday, August 10th in our office (290 Simon Hall). There is no charge for the transcript. The last day for pick-up is Tuesday August 18th, but we do not recommend you wait until the deadline because it will leave you very little time to request changes/corrections (and very little time for the main campus registrar — which has to make those changes — to process them.)
Keep in mind that OCIP employers are interested in reviewing your transcript essentially for the purpose of determining how well you did in the courses that you have completed. By and large, they are not interested in the classes in which you are enrolling (or have enrolled) for the coming semester. Accordingly, you should not be concerned about going into an OCIP interview with a transcript that may not reflect last-minute changes/additions/deletions in your course enrollment. The key data that must be accurate for them are your grades.
You should take full advantage of Phase II of the TeleBEARS process to complete your enrollment and insure the accuracy of all your information (e.g., that your name and grades are correct) well before classes begin.
Save the Date
The Berkeley Law Alumni office is once again holding its “Spotlight on Leadership” Employer Reception and is inviting all students to attend. It will be held on August 20th from 5:30-7:30pm. This event seeks to provide networking opportunities for students and representatives of law firms whose Boalt alums have demonstrated strong support for the School — and an equally strong interest in recruiting Boalt students. Making a connection at this event can really distinguish you from the pack.