Gala Seminar Fall 2011-Spring 2012

General Aspects of Law (GALA) Workshop Series:

Fall 2011-Spring 2012

September 15, 2011
4pm – 6pm

Alan W. Patten
Princeton University
Department of Politics

“Liberal Neutrality: A Reinterpretation
and Defense”


February 23, 2012
4pm – 6pm
Room 215 Law Building
Dean’s Seminar Rm

Karuna Mantena
Yale University
Political Science

“Another Realism: The Politics of
Gandhian Nonviolence”


April 5, 2012
4pm – 6pm
Room 215 Law Building
Dean’s Seminar Rm

John Mikhail
Georgetown University
(Law and Philosophy)

PART I: “Emotion, Neuroscience, and Law:
A Comment of Darwin and Greene”

PART II: “‘Any Animal Whatever’: Harmful
Battery and its Elements as Building Blocks
of Human and Nonhuman Moral Cognition”


April 6, 2012
11:20pm – 1:00pm
Room 132 Law Building

Isabelle Delpla
Universite Montpellier III

“Extreme Evil and the Trial Form:
Reflections on Rapes in Wartime, ‘Banality of
Evil and Moral Categories'”

Send email to:
to request a copy of the paper

Send email to: to request a copy of the paper


Sponsored with the Colloquium on
International Law and Politics,
Miller Institute for Global Challenges
and the Law and the Institute of
International Studies



April 20, 2012
11:20pm – 1:00pm
Room 132 Law Building

Larry May
Vanderbilt University
Philosophy, Law and
Political Science

“Selective Refusal, Contingent Pacifism, and
International Legal Theory”


Sponsored with the Colloquium on
International Law and Politics,
Miller Institute for Global Challenges
and the Law and the Institute
of International Studies

The GALA speaker will offer some brief background remarks about the paper and the remainder of the time will be devoted to discussion. Participants are expected to read the paper in advance. Papers are distributed to those on our mailing list or electronically when available at the GALA website: <> . Others may obtain copies from Ms. Amatullah Alaji-Sabrie: 510.642.3627 or




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