People v. Macabeo

For the Supreme Court of California’s Opinion, click here.

For the Appellant’s Opening Brief on the Merits, click here.

For the Brief of Amici Curiae California ACLU Affiliates click here.

For the Brief of Amicus Curiae Professor Myron Moskovitz click here.

For the Appellant’s Supplemental Brief Addressing Rodriguez v. United States click here.

For the Respondent’s Answer Brief on the Merits, click here.

For the Appellant’s Reply Brief on the Merits, click here.

For the Appellant’s Request for Judicial Notice, click here.

For police training materials, click here.

For the Appellant’s Supplemental Letter Brief pursuant to July 29, 2016 Order, click here.

For the Respondent’s Supplemental Brief, click here.

For the Appellant’s Supplemental Letter Reply Brief pursuant to July 29, 2016 Order, click here.

For the Respondent’s Supplemental Reply Brief, click here.