This American Copyright Life: Reflections on Re-Equilibrating Copyright for the Internet Age

Professor Peter S. Menell presented the Copyright Society of the U.S.A. 42nd annual Donald C. Brace Memorial Lecture on January 31, 2013 in New York City.  He has reprised that presentation at various venues since that time. 

Drawing on the format and style of Ira Glass’s “This American Life” radio broadcast, the presentation unfolds in three parts: Act I – How did we get here?; Act II – Why should society care about copyright’s public approval rating?; and Act III – How do we improve copyright’s public approval rating (and efficacy)?

The article based on this lecture can be found at:

A video of the presentation can be accessed here:

Act I: How did we get here?
Act II: Why should society care about ©’s public approval rating?
Act III: How do we improve ©’s approval rating and efficacy?