LL.M. Post-Graduate Executive Leadership Certificate

The LL.M. Post-Graduate Executive Leadership Certificate is specifically designed to provide an opportunity for LL.M. executive track alumni with the opportunity to gain the skills of an effective people and project manager. This enhanced training will in turn help participants become more well-rounded legal professionals and better able to serve their clients and organizations.

To earn this post-graduate certificate, graduates will participate in an online business school-style leadership course developed by Berkeley Law. Students will be placed into small cohorts alongside other LL.M. alumni. The program is highly interactive and designed to maximize opportunities for self-reflection, mentorship, and peer-to-peer learning. Since the course is offered online, participants can learn from anywhere in the world while building close, professional relationships with other legal professionals.

Certificate Requirements 

  • The course must be taken within 18 months of graduation from the LL.M. executive track
  • Participants must attend 80% of synchronous class sessions in order to receive the certificate
  • Commit to 1-2 hours worth of reading in preparation for class sessions

Application Process

Since this is a post-graduate certificate, the application will become available to LL.M. executive track students shortly before their graduation.

Frequently Asked Questions