Schedule of Classes - Course Listings and Updates

Fall 2024Spring 2025Fall 2025

NOTE: Course offerings change. Classes offered this semester may not be offered in future semesters.

Apart from their assigned mod courses, 1L students may only enroll in courses offered as 1L electives. A complete list of these courses can be found on the 1L Elective Listings page. 1L students must use the 1L class number listed on the course description when enrolling.

Please use the links below to navigate to your desired full list of courses by category.

1L List2L/3L List1L Elective List

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1L Required Courses
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)201201 sec. 001 - Torts
4Bamberger, KennethF
(unavailable)201201 sec. 002 - Torts
4Syed, TalhaTH
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00A - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Cole, Michelle
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00B - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Allison, James
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00C - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Berg, Cheryl
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00D - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Berry, Emily
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00E - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Allan, Robin
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00F - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Laubach, Sarah
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00G - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Cole, Michelle
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00H - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Allison, James
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00I - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Berg, Cheryl
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00J - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Berry, Emily
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00K - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Allan, Robin
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00L - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Laubach, Sarah
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00M - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Taylor, Urmila
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00N - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Wu, Margaret
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00O - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Reding, Ann
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00P - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Tam, Linda
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00Q - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Kumabe, Kerry
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00R - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Plunkett Hurley, Patricia
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00S - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Taylor, Urmila
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00T - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Wu, Margaret
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00U - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Reding, Ann
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00V - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Tam, Linda
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00W - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Kumabe, Kerry
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00X - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Plunkett Hurley, Patricia
(unavailable)230230 sec. 001 - Criminal Law
4Winters, NatalieF
(unavailable)230230 sec. 002 - Criminal Law
4Cooper, FrankF

AI Law and Regulation
No Results

Business Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32348217217 sec. 001 - Law, Economics, and Business Workshop
2Eldar, O / Baker, ANone
33256247.12247.12 sec. 001 - Principles of Financial Regulation
2Santarosa, V / Perlow, MNone
32900247.61247.61 sec. 001 - Regulation and Policy of Crypto and web3
1Wong, HermineNone
32750248.5248.5 sec. 001 - Mergers & Acquisitions
3Badawi, AdamF
32867248.51248.51 sec. 001 - IPOs and Going Public Transactions
1Kennedy, KevinP
32993249.2249.2 sec. 001 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
1Biglieri, SusanTH
32794249.3249.3 sec. 001 - Selected Topics in Venture Capital
2Fockler, H / Drake, KTH
32388250250 sec. 001 - Business Associations
4Gadinis, StavrosF
32389250250 sec. 002 - Business Associations
4Gadinis, StavrosF
32773251.21251.21 sec. 001 - Business Strategy in the Global Political Economy
2Aggarwal, VinodP
32390251.5251.5 sec. 001 - Corporate Finance
4Ayotte, KennethTH
32941251.54251.54 sec. 001 - Empirical Methods for Lawyers
2Badawi, AdamNone
32800251.71251.71 sec. 001 - Business Basics for Lawyers
2Jafek, RobertF
32894251.76251.76 sec. 001 - Communication Skills for Business Lawyers
1Marchegiani, PaulNone
32961251.78251.78 sec. 001 - Corporate Social Impact
2Eldar, OferTH/P
33497251.7B251.7B sec. 001 - The Business of Law and How Not to Think Like a Lawyer
1Zuklie, MitchellTH
32817251.9251.9 sec. 001 - Venture Funds: Structuring, Advising and Regulating
2Astoor, RitaTH
32923252.2252.2 sec. 001 - Antitrust Law
4Syed, TalhaTH
32752252.3252.3 sec. 001 - International Antitrust Law
2Tubach, M / Sanders, JTH
32391255.5255.5 sec. 001 - Securities Regulation
4Dibadj, RezaTH
32964255.51255.51 sec. 001 - Federal Securities and Corporate Governance Litigation
2Vizcarrondo / Schatz / MorenoP
32880255.6255.6 sec. 001 - Sports Law
3Ellis, D'LonraTH
32995256.6F256.6F sec. 001 - Corporate Bankruptcy
2Ayotte, KennethTH
32866256.8256.8 sec. 001 - Transactional Practice for 1L's
1Hammon, P / Lopez, JT
32818256.9256.9 sec. 001 - Secured Transactions - Article 9
3Trachok, RichardF
32854257.4257.4 sec. 001 - An Interdisciplinary Approach to Land Development and Investment
3Schwimmer, EvanP
32909261.1261.1 sec. 001 - International Business Transactions
3Dibadj, RezaTH
32996276.41276.41 sec. 001 - Advanced IT Contracts: Drafting and Negotiating
1Tollen, DavidTH
See Also:
32940217.12Law and Economics Foundation Seminar3Dharmapala, DhammikaP
32869246.31Economic Expert Witnesses: Depositions and Testimony1Cain, MatthewP
33024256Transactional Drafting for LL.M. Students1Reichmann, CharlesP
32881256.81Contracts & Sales for LLMs3Trachok, RichardF
32929258.5Partnership Tax3Nguyen, A / Gergen, MTH
(unavailable)258.71Corporate Tax Basics1Gergen, MarkTH
32771270.65Energy Project Development & Finance3Zimmermann, S / Glass, TTH
32855271.4Environmental Transactional Law2Swanson, M / Tanaka, PNone
33259279.32Deep Tech Innovation & Entrepreneurship3Rappaport, M / Heiden, BNone

CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)283.1H283.1H sec. 001 - Advanced Human Rights Clinic Seminar
1Altholz, RoxannaNone
(unavailable)283H283H sec. 001 - Human Rights Clinic Seminar
2Altholz, RoxannaNone
(unavailable)283I283I sec. 001 - Global Rights Innovation Lab Clinic Seminar
1Fletcher, LaurelNone
(unavailable)285.3D285.3D sec. 001 - Death Penalty Clinic Seminar II
2Alper, T / Semel, ENone
(unavailable)285.9285.9 sec. 001 - Samuelson Clinic Seminar
2Urban, J / Crump, CNone
(unavailable)285.9B285.9B sec. 001 - Advanced Samuelson Clinic Seminar
1Stallman, ErikNone
(unavailable)289289 sec. 001 - East Bay Community Law Center Seminar
2Oyama, R / Polk, ZNone
(unavailable)290C290C sec. 001 - Policy Advocacy Clinic Seminar for 1Ls
1Selbin, JeffreyNone
(unavailable)295.5D295.5D sec. 001 - Death Penalty Clinic
4 - 6Semel / Raman / AlperNone
(unavailable)295.5F295.5F sec. 001 - Advanced Environmental Law Clinic
3 - 5Castleman, SteveNone
(unavailable)295.5H295.5H sec. 001 - Human Rights Clinic
4 - 6Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295.5I295.5I sec. 001 - Advanced Human Rights Clinic
1 - 10Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295.5K295.5K sec. 001 - Policy Advocacy Clinic for 1Ls
2Selbin, JeffreyNone
(unavailable)295.5O295.5O sec. 001 - Global Rights Innovation Lab Clinic
1 - 4Fletcher, LaurelNone
(unavailable)295.5T295.5T sec. 001 - Samuelson Clinic
4Crump / Stallman / UrbanNone
(unavailable)295.5U295.5U sec. 001 - Advanced Samuelson Clinic
1 - 4Stallman / Urban / CrumpNone
(unavailable)295.5X295.5X sec. 001 - Advanced Policy Advocacy Clinic
1 - 10Clark / Selbin / GreenNone
(unavailable)295.5Y295.5Y sec. 001 - Advanced East Bay Community Law Center Clinic
1 - 10Polk, Z / Oyama, RNone
(unavailable)295.5Z295.5Z sec. 001 - East Bay Community Law Center Clinic
1 - 10Oyama, R / Polk, ZNone

Consumer Law & Economic Justice
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32930220F220F sec. 001 - Food Law and Policy
3Van Houweling, MollyP
32870285.44285.44 sec. 001 - Consumer Law and Economic Justice Workshop
2Atkinson / Aneja / MerminNone
See Also:
33026244.62Litigating Class Actions1Bloom, A / Larkin, JTH
33033248.12Consumer Bankruptcy and Economic Fragility2Atkinson, AbbyeTH

Criminal Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32754230.9230.9 sec. 001 - Where Civil and Criminal Laws Collide
1Rakoff, JedTH
32381231231 sec. 001 - Criminal Procedure - Investigations
4Weisselberg, CharlesF
32382231.1231.1 sec. 001 - Criminal Procedure - Adjudication
4Roth, AndreaF
32999232.9232.9 sec. 001 - Crimmigration
2Volpp, LetiP
32967233.1233.1 sec. 001 - Role of the Lawyer in Corporate Criminal Investigations
2Perry, TimothyP
33498244.44244.44 sec. 001 - Introduction to Restorative Justice Diversion
1Tchoukleva, IoanaP
See Also:
32887226.13National Security Law: A Practitioner's Perspective1Perry, MatthewNone
32387246.1Criminal Trial Practice3Denton, CharlesT
(unavailable)285.3DDeath Penalty Clinic Seminar II2Alper, T / Semel, ENone
(unavailable)289East Bay Community Law Center Seminar2Oyama, R / Polk, ZNone
(unavailable)295.5DDeath Penalty Clinic4 - 6Semel / Raman / AlperNone
(unavailable)295.5YAdvanced East Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Polk, Z / Oyama, RNone
(unavailable)295.5ZEast Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Oyama, R / Polk, ZNone
(unavailable)295.6BCriminal Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
32765295CCriminal Law Ethics Seminar2Schechter / Abraham / WuNone

Environmental and Energy Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)270.1270.1 sec. 001 - Environmental Law Practice Project Seminar
2Biber, EricNone
32771270.65270.65 sec. 001 - Energy Project Development & Finance
3Zimmermann, S / Glass, TTH
33001270.7270.7 sec. 001 - Renewable Energy Law, Policy & Practice
2Vespa, MatthewTH
32855271.4271.4 sec. 001 - Environmental Transactional Law
2Swanson, M / Tanaka, PNone
(unavailable)271.51271.51 sec. 001 - Environmental Law Writing Seminar II
1Jacobs, SharonP
32757271.71271.71 sec. 001 - International Environmental Law
2Popovic, NeilNone
32840272.3272.3 sec. 001 - Climate Change and the Law
3Farber, DanielNone
33003273.1273.1 sec. 001 - Land Use Law
3Moore, L / Biber, EF
33561273.4273.4 sec. 001 - Introduction to the Law of Hazardous Waste and Substances
1Infelise, RobertP
(unavailable)274.5274.5 sec. 001 - Environmental Law Practice Project Field Component
2Biber, EricNone
33005274.7274.7 sec. 001 - Environmental Law Colloquium
1Farber, D / Jacobs, SNone
See Also:
(unavailable)295.5FAdvanced Environmental Law Clinic3 - 5Castleman, SteveNone
(unavailable)295.6CEnvironmental Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone

Family Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
33500224.61224.61 sec. 001 - Pregnancy Criminalization
1Raman, MridulaNone
32863258258 sec. 001 - Estates and Trusts
3Dorosti, SaraF
See Also:
32873281.42Policing Families1Oyama, RebeccaNone

Field Placements
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)221.61221.61 sec. 001 - Structural Change in Public Education Seminar
5Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)221.62221.62 sec. 001 - Structural Change in Public Education Simulation Course
2Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)283Q283Q sec. 001 - Domestic Violence Field Placement Seminar: Ethics in Practice
2Kaur, MallikaTBANone
(unavailable)289A289A sec. 001 - Judicial Externship Seminar
1Djemal / Schechter / FongNone
(unavailable)295295 sec. 001 - Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar
2Mark, J / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295.6A295.6A sec. 001 - Civil Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6B295.6B sec. 001 - Criminal Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6C295.6C sec. 001 - Environmental Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6D295.6D sec. 001 - California Law and Policy Field Placements: Sacramento
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6J295.6J sec. 001 - Domestic Violence Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6K295.6K sec. 001 - Structural Change in Public Education Away Field Placement
6Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.7A295.7A sec. 001 - Away Field Placement
8 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.7K295.7K sec. 001 - IN Human Rights: Geneva Field Placement
8 - 12Schechter, S / Richardson, ENone
(unavailable)295.8A295.8A sec. 001 - Judicial Externship:Away
8 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.8B295.8B sec. 001 - Judicial Externships: Bay Area
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.9A295.9A sec. 001 - UCDC: Law Field Placement
8 - 12Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295.9K295.9K sec. 001 - UCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Workshop
1Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295B295B sec. 001 - Field Placement Workshop
1Schechter / Najarro / IbrahimNone
(unavailable)295B295B sec. 002 - Field Placement Workshop
1Adams, B / Schechter, SNone
32765295C295C sec. 001 - Criminal Law Ethics Seminar
2Schechter / Abraham / WuNone
(unavailable)295D295D sec. 001 - UCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Seminar
3Schechter, S / Lehtman, NNone
(unavailable)295H295H sec. 001 - INHR: Geneva Advanced Field Placement Seminar
1Schechter, S / Richardson, ENone
(unavailable)295J295J sec. 001 - Away Field Placement Workshop
1Jain, M / Schechter, SNone

General Courses
No Results

History and Historical Law
No Results

Intellectual Property and Technology Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32931275.2275.2 sec. 001 - Video Game Law
1Stanley, J / Schenck, JTH
32395275.3275.3 sec. 001 - Intellectual Property Law
4Menell, PeterF
32801276.13276.13 sec. 001 - Cybersecurity Law and Policy
3Schwartz, PaulF
32848276.33276.33 sec. 001 - Regulating Internet Platforms: Hate Speech, Disinformation, and Online Harassment
2Samuelson, PamelaNone
33013276.34276.34 sec. 001 - Computer Programming for Lawyers
4Hoofnagle, ChrisNone
33014276.46276.46 sec. 001 - IP and Human Creativity in the AI Age
2Merges, RobertP
32868276.73276.73 sec. 001 - California Privacy Law
1Determann, LotharNone
32396277.2277.2 sec. 001 - Patent Litigation I
3Bobrow, J / Reines, ENone
32397277W277W sec. 001 - Patent Law
3Chien, ColleenF
32876278278 sec. 001 - Copyright, Competition, and Technology
1Gass, AndrewP
33016278.1278.1 sec. 001 - Trademark Law
3Katyal, SoniaF
32882278.11278.11 sec. 001 - Trademark Practice
2Lauter, J / Dunning, ANone
32821278.31278.31 sec. 001 - Copyright Law
3Samuelson, PamelaF
32883278.8278.8 sec. 001 - Wine Law
2Genesen, T / Trinidad, JTH
33259279.32279.32 sec. 001 - Deep Tech Innovation & Entrepreneurship
3Rappaport, M / Heiden, BNone
(unavailable)295.4E295.4E sec. 001 - Berkeley IP Practicum Clinic Seminar
2Cole, A / Schmitt, ANone
(unavailable)295.4F295.4F sec. 001 - Berkeley IP Practicum Clinic
2Schmitt, AllisonNone
See Also:
32900247.61Regulation and Policy of Crypto and web31Wong, HermineNone
(unavailable)285.9Samuelson Clinic Seminar2Urban, J / Crump, CNone
(unavailable)285.9BAdvanced Samuelson Clinic Seminar1Stallman, ErikNone
(unavailable)295.5TSamuelson Clinic4Crump / Stallman / UrbanNone
(unavailable)295.5UAdvanced Samuelson Clinic1 - 4Stallman / Urban / CrumpNone

International and Comparative Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32906226.2226.2 sec. 001 - Foreign Relations Law
4Chachko, ElenaTH
32959240.3240.3 sec. 001 - Freedom of Information: Comparative & International Perspectives
1Reinsberg, LisaTH
32822261261 sec. 001 - International Law
4Mohamed, SairaF
33501261.24261.24 sec. 001 - Global Dispute Resolution
2Donoghue, Joan ElizabethP
33503261.76261.76 sec. 001 - Genocide
1 P
32839262.65262.65 sec. 001 - Human Rights and Social Justice Writing Workshop
3Stover, EricP
33019265.2265.2 sec. 001 - Workshop on Asian Legal Systems
2Mayali, LaurentP
See Also:
32773251.21Business Strategy in the Global Political Economy2Aggarwal, VinodP
32752252.3International Antitrust Law2Tubach, M / Sanders, JTH
32909261.1International Business Transactions3Dibadj, RezaTH
32757271.71International Environmental Law2Popovic, NeilNone
(unavailable)283.1HAdvanced Human Rights Clinic Seminar1Altholz, RoxannaNone
(unavailable)283HHuman Rights Clinic Seminar2Altholz, RoxannaNone
32890288.1Immigration Law4Hausman, DavidTH
(unavailable)295.5HHuman Rights Clinic4 - 6Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295.5IAdvanced Human Rights Clinic1 - 10Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295HINHR: Geneva Advanced Field Placement Seminar1Schechter, S / Richardson, ENone

J.S.D.-Required Classes
No Results

Jurisprudence and Social Policy (JSP)
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)208.8208.8 sec. 001 - Foundation Seminar in the Sociology of Law
3Albiston, CatherineNone
33020209.3209.3 sec. 001 - Quantitative Approaches to Law & Social Science
4Aneja, AbhayNone
(unavailable)209.5209.5 sec. 001 - Research Design
3Morrill, CalvinP
32376210.2B210.2B sec. 001 - Workshop in Law, Philosophy & Political Theory
3Cohen, J / Jagmohan, DP
33021214.4214.4 sec. 001 - Advanced Interdisciplinary Workshop on Law
3Stern, RachelP
33022215.4215.4 sec. 001 - Foundations of Moral Philosophy
3Grewal, DavidP
32940217.12217.12 sec. 001 - Law and Economics Foundation Seminar
3Dharmapala, DhammikaP
33260217.14217.14 sec. 001 - Law, Economics, and Social Sciences
2Santarosa, V / Dharmapala, DNone
32751375P375P sec. 001 - Teaching Learning in Higher Education
2Penningroth, DylanNone
See Also:
33513220.52Workshop on Industrial Policy2Grewal, DavidNone
33512220.ILaw, Politics, and Governance3Kutz, C / Gould, JNone

LL.M. Required Courses
No Results

LL.M.-Only Classes
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32349200.2200.2 sec. 001 - Civil Procedure for LL.M.Students
3Rice, CharlesTH
32921202202 sec. 001 - Torts for LLM Students
3Lavitt, JosephTH
32802206.5206.5 sec. 002 - LL.M. Advanced Legal Writing
1Powell-Chen, TarahTH
32385243.3243.3 sec. 001 - Oral Advocacy for LL.M. Students
1Reyes, BenjaminNone
33024256256 sec. 001 - Transactional Drafting for LL.M. Students
1Reichmann, CharlesP
32881256.81256.81 sec. 001 - Contracts & Sales for LLMs
3Trachok, RichardF

Law and Economics
No Results

Law and Society
No Results

Law in Cultural Perspective
No Results

Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32375210210 sec. 001 - Legal Profession
2Jargiello, DavidTH
32749210210 sec. 002 - Legal Profession
2Steele, JohnF/P
32878210210 sec. 003 - Legal Profession
2Bomse, AmyTH
33449210210 sec. 004 - Legal Profession
3Fisk, CatherineTBATH
33450210210 sec. 005 - Legal Profession
3Stern, RachelF/P
See Also:
(unavailable)295Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar2Mark, J / Schechter, SNone
32765295CCriminal Law Ethics Seminar2Schechter / Abraham / WuNone

Legal History
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32907218218 sec. 001 - Legal History Colloquium
2Argueta Funes, JoseNone
32908267267 sec. 001 - American Legal History
4Argueta Funes, JoseTH

Legal Theory
No Results
See Also:
33511220.16Natural Law1Yoo, JohnP

Legal Theory and Ethics
No Results

Litigation and Procedure
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32378222222 sec. 001 - Federal Courts
4Davis, SethTH
32383241241 sec. 001 - Evidence
4Farhang, SeanF
32384241241 sec. 002 - Evidence
3Oppenheimer, DavidTH
32770241241 sec. 003 - Evidence
4Mitchell, CandisF
(unavailable)243.71243.71 sec. 001 - Advanced 9th Circuit Practicum Seminar
1Lakin, J / Fernholz, WT
(unavailable)243.7B243.7B sec. 001 - Advanced 9th Circuit Practicum
4Lakin / Crook / WilleT
32886244244 sec. 001 - Conflict of Laws
4Bradt, AndrewF
33026244.62244.62 sec. 001 - Litigating Class Actions
1Bloom, A / Larkin, JTBATH
33507244.65244.65 sec. 001 - Statistics for Lawyers
3Goldstein, RebeccaP
See Also:
33728227.82Supreme Court October Term 20241Tyler, AmandaNone
32754230.9Where Civil and Criminal Laws Collide1Rakoff, JedTH
32967233.1Role of the Lawyer in Corporate Criminal Investigations2Perry, TimothyP
32959240.3Freedom of Information: Comparative & International Perspectives1Reinsberg, LisaTH
33498244.44Introduction to Restorative Justice Diversion1Tchoukleva, IoanaP
33514246.32Introduction to Depositions1Nguyen Orth, DesireeTH
32941251.54Empirical Methods for Lawyers2Badawi, AdamNone
33100254.53Justice, Equality and Insurance: the Theory of Insurance Anti-discrimination Law1Avraham, RonenP
32964255.51Federal Securities and Corporate Governance Litigation2Vizcarrondo / Schatz / MorenoP

Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
No Results

No Results
See Also:
(unavailable)243.71Advanced 9th Circuit Practicum Seminar1Lakin, J / Fernholz, WT
(unavailable)243.7BAdvanced 9th Circuit Practicum4Lakin / Crook / WilleT
(unavailable)270.1Environmental Law Practice Project Seminar2Biber, EricNone
(unavailable)295.4EBerkeley IP Practicum Clinic Seminar2Cole, A / Schmitt, ANone

Private Law and Theory
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32370203203 sec. 001 - Property
4Van Houweling, MollyTH
32371203203 sec. 002 - Property
4DiGennaro, DianaF

Public Law and Policy
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
33511220.16220.16 sec. 001 - Natural Law
1Yoo, JohnTBAP
33513220.52220.52 sec. 001 - Workshop on Industrial Policy
2Grewal, DavidNone
32337220.6220.6 sec. 001 - Constitutional Law
4Chemerinsky, ErwinTH
32338220.6220.6 sec. 002 - Constitutional Law
4Tyler, AmandaF
(unavailable)220.6220.6 sec. 003 - Constitutional Law
4Holmquist, KristenTH
33512220.I220.I sec. 001 - Law, Politics, and Governance
3Kutz, C / Gould, JNone
32760220A220A sec. 001 - Marijuana Law and Policy
1Todd, TamarNone
33029220G220G sec. 001 - Public Law and Policy Workshop
2Gould, J / Chachko, ENone
32379223223 sec. 001 - Administrative Law
4Jacobs, SharonF
32823223223 sec. 002 - Administrative Law
4Bamberger, KennethF
33031223.1223.1 sec. 001 - Election Law
3Zhang, EmilyTH
33032225225 sec. 001 - Legislation and Statutory Interpretation
3Gould, JonathanF
32887226.13226.13 sec. 001 - National Security Law: A Practitioner's Perspective
1Perry, MatthewNone
32888226.1T226.1T sec. 001 - Local Government Law
3Casher, EricP
33728227.82227.82 sec. 001 - Supreme Court October Term 2024
1Tyler, AmandaNone
33033248.12248.12 sec. 001 - Consumer Bankruptcy and Economic Fragility
2Atkinson, AbbyeTH
33591286.5286.5 sec. 001 - Federal Indian Law
3Davis, SethTH
33508287.72287.72 sec. 001 - Substantive Due Process
2Obasogie, OsagieP
32889287.8287.8 sec. 001 - Constitutional Litigation
3Zhang, EmilyTH
32890288.1288.1 sec. 001 - Immigration Law
4Hausman, DavidTH
See Also:
33541212.32Intersectionality in Gender-Based Movements for Legal Change3Abrams, KathrynTH/P
32930220FFood Law and Policy3Van Houweling, MollyP
(unavailable)221.61Structural Change in Public Education Seminar5Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)221.62Structural Change in Public Education Simulation Course2Schechter, SueNone
33539221.76The Legal Politics of Campus Protests2Platt, A / Simon, JP
32838224.23Public Health Law3Ashe, MariceP
32906226.2Foreign Relations Law4Chachko, ElenaTH
(unavailable)243.71Advanced 9th Circuit Practicum Seminar1Lakin, J / Fernholz, WT
(unavailable)243.7BAdvanced 9th Circuit Practicum4Lakin / Crook / WilleT
33507244.65Statistics for Lawyers3Goldstein, RebeccaP
33100254.53Justice, Equality and Insurance: the Theory of Insurance Anti-discrimination Law1Avraham, RonenP
32880255.6Sports Law3Ellis, D'LonraTH
33501261.24Global Dispute Resolution2Donoghue, Joan ElizabethP
32848276.33Regulating Internet Platforms: Hate Speech, Disinformation, and Online Harassment2Samuelson, PamelaNone
32868276.73California Privacy Law1Determann, LotharNone
32870285.44Consumer Law and Economic Justice Workshop2Atkinson / Aneja / MerminNone
(unavailable)295.6KStructural Change in Public Education Away Field Placement6Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.9AUCDC: Law Field Placement8 - 12Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295.9KUCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Workshop1Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295DUCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Seminar3Schechter, S / Lehtman, NNone

Race and Law
No Results
See Also:
32370203Property4Van Houweling, MollyTH
(unavailable)208.8Foundation Seminar in the Sociology of Law3Albiston, CatherineNone
(unavailable)212.3Critical Race Theory3Robinson, RussellP
33541212.32Intersectionality in Gender-Based Movements for Legal Change3Abrams, KathrynTH/P
32930220FFood Law and Policy3Van Houweling, MollyP
33031223.1Election Law3Zhang, EmilyTH
32838224.23Public Health Law3Ashe, MariceP
33500224.61Pregnancy Criminalization1Raman, MridulaNone
33039227Labor Law3Fisk, CatherineTH
32949227.22Work Law4Reddy, DianaF
32382231.1Criminal Procedure - Adjudication4Roth, AndreaF
32999232.9Crimmigration2Volpp, LetiP
33498244.44Introduction to Restorative Justice Diversion1Tchoukleva, IoanaP
32941251.54Empirical Methods for Lawyers2Badawi, AdamNone
33100254.53Justice, Equality and Insurance: the Theory of Insurance Anti-discrimination Law1Avraham, RonenP
32908267American Legal History4Argueta Funes, JoseTH
32873281.42Policing Families1Oyama, RebeccaNone
33540281.43Race, Gender, and Policing1Cooper, FrankP
(unavailable)283HHuman Rights Clinic Seminar2Altholz, RoxannaNone
(unavailable)283QDomestic Violence Field Placement Seminar: Ethics in Practice2Kaur, MallikaNone
32870285.44Consumer Law and Economic Justice Workshop2Atkinson / Aneja / MerminNone
(unavailable)285.9Samuelson Clinic Seminar2Urban, J / Crump, CNone
33591286.5Federal Indian Law3Davis, SethTH
33036286.81Transgender Rights & The Law1Manopoulos Beitman, MiloNone
32892287.11Negotiating Trauma, Emotions & the Practice of Law2Kaur, MallikaNone
33508287.72Substantive Due Process2Obasogie, OsagieP
32890288.1Immigration Law4Hausman, DavidTH
(unavailable)289East Bay Community Law Center Seminar2Oyama, R / Polk, ZNone
(unavailable)295.5DDeath Penalty Clinic4 - 6Semel / Raman / AlperNone
(unavailable)295.5UAdvanced Samuelson Clinic1 - 4Stallman / Urban / CrumpNone
(unavailable)295.5XAdvanced Policy Advocacy Clinic1 - 10Clark / Selbin / GreenNone
(unavailable)295.5YAdvanced East Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Polk, Z / Oyama, RNone
(unavailable)295.5ZEast Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Oyama, R / Polk, ZNone

Simulation Courses
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)206C206C sec. 001 - Note Publishing Workshop
1Farber, D / Reddy, DP
32373207.5207.5 sec. 001 - J.D. Advanced Legal Writing
3Saffouri, LindsayNone
32748207.5207.5 sec. 002 - J.D. Advanced Legal Writing
3Saffouri, LindsayNone
32374208208 sec. 001 - Advanced Legal Research
3Whytock, J / Rowan, DTH
(unavailable)242.3242.3 sec. 001 - Lawyering as Problem Solving
1Holmquist, KristenNone
32893242.9242.9 sec. 001 - Listening and Communicating:Stagecraft for Lawyers
1Higgins, GeorgeNone
32960242.91242.91 sec. 001 - Managing Difficult Conversations
1Lehocky, MarkP
32933244.84244.84 sec. 001 - Mindful Conflict Resolution
1Brach, DarshanP
32386245245 sec. 001 - Negotiations
2Park, EugeneNone
32799245245 sec. 002 - Negotiations
2Kim, JasperP
32861245245 sec. 003 - Negotiations
2Hockett, ChristopherNone
32824245.2245.2 sec. 001 - Civil Trial Practice
3Grillo, E / Smith, WF
32864245.21245.21 sec. 001 - Introduction to Trial Practice for 1Ls
1Smiley, C / Petrou, IT
32387246.1246.1 sec. 001 - Criminal Trial Practice
3Denton, CharlesT
32869246.31246.31 sec. 001 - Economic Expert Witnesses: Depositions and Testimony
1Cain, MatthewP
33514246.32246.32 sec. 001 - Introduction to Depositions
1Nguyen Orth, DesireeTH
See Also:
32385243.3Oral Advocacy for LL.M. Students1Reyes, BenjaminNone
32894251.76Communication Skills for Business Lawyers1Marchegiani, PaulNone
33024256Transactional Drafting for LL.M. Students1Reichmann, CharlesP
32866256.8Transactional Practice for 1L's1Hammon, P / Lopez, JT

Social Justice and Public Interest
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)212.3212.3 sec. 001 - Critical Race Theory
3Robinson, RussellP
33541212.32212.32 sec. 001 - Intersectionality in Gender-Based Movements for Legal Change
3Abrams, KathrynTH/P
33539221.76221.76 sec. 001 - The Legal Politics of Campus Protests
2Platt, A / Simon, JP
33035221.81221.81 sec. 001 - Student Loan Law
1Martindale, SuzanneNone
32838224.23224.23 sec. 001 - Public Health Law
3Ashe, MariceP
33100254.53254.53 sec. 001 - Justice, Equality and Insurance: the Theory of Insurance Anti-discrimination Law
1Avraham, RonenP
32873281.42281.42 sec. 001 - Policing Families
1Oyama, RebeccaNone
33540281.43281.43 sec. 001 - Race, Gender, and Policing
1Cooper, FrankP
33036286.81286.81 sec. 001 - Transgender Rights & The Law
1Manopoulos Beitman, MiloNone
See Also:
(unavailable)208.8Foundation Seminar in the Sociology of Law3Albiston, CatherineNone
32760220AMarijuana Law and Policy1Todd, TamarNone
32930220FFood Law and Policy3Van Houweling, MollyP
(unavailable)221.61Structural Change in Public Education Seminar5Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)221.62Structural Change in Public Education Simulation Course2Schechter, SueNone
33031223.1Election Law3Zhang, EmilyTH
33500224.61Pregnancy Criminalization1Raman, MridulaNone
33039227Labor Law3Fisk, CatherineTH
32382231.1Criminal Procedure - Adjudication4Roth, AndreaF
32999232.9Crimmigration2Volpp, LetiP
32959240.3Freedom of Information: Comparative & International Perspectives1Reinsberg, LisaTH
(unavailable)243.71Advanced 9th Circuit Practicum Seminar1Lakin, J / Fernholz, WT
(unavailable)243.7BAdvanced 9th Circuit Practicum4Lakin / Crook / WilleT
33498244.44Introduction to Restorative Justice Diversion1Tchoukleva, IoanaP
33026244.62Litigating Class Actions1Bloom, A / Larkin, JTH
32387246.1Criminal Trial Practice3Denton, CharlesT
33033248.12Consumer Bankruptcy and Economic Fragility2Atkinson, AbbyeTH
32941251.54Empirical Methods for Lawyers2Badawi, AdamNone
32961251.78Corporate Social Impact2Eldar, OferTH/P
33501261.24Global Dispute Resolution2Donoghue, Joan ElizabethP
33503261.76Genocide1 P
32839262.65Human Rights and Social Justice Writing Workshop3Stover, EricP
32757271.71International Environmental Law2Popovic, NeilNone
32840272.3Climate Change and the Law3Farber, DanielNone
33003273.1Land Use Law3Moore, L / Biber, EF
32848276.33Regulating Internet Platforms: Hate Speech, Disinformation, and Online Harassment2Samuelson, PamelaNone
(unavailable)283.1HAdvanced Human Rights Clinic Seminar1Altholz, RoxannaNone
(unavailable)283HHuman Rights Clinic Seminar2Altholz, RoxannaNone
(unavailable)283QDomestic Violence Field Placement Seminar: Ethics in Practice2Kaur, MallikaNone
(unavailable)285.3DDeath Penalty Clinic Seminar II2Alper, T / Semel, ENone
32870285.44Consumer Law and Economic Justice Workshop2Atkinson / Aneja / MerminNone
(unavailable)285.9Samuelson Clinic Seminar2Urban, J / Crump, CNone
(unavailable)285.9BAdvanced Samuelson Clinic Seminar1Stallman, ErikNone
33591286.5Federal Indian Law3Davis, SethTH
33508287.72Substantive Due Process2Obasogie, OsagieP
32889287.8Constitutional Litigation3Zhang, EmilyTH
32890288.1Immigration Law4Hausman, DavidTH
(unavailable)289East Bay Community Law Center Seminar2Oyama, R / Polk, ZNone
(unavailable)289AJudicial Externship Seminar1Djemal / Schechter / FongNone
(unavailable)295Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar2Mark, J / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295.5DDeath Penalty Clinic4 - 6Semel / Raman / AlperNone
(unavailable)295.5FAdvanced Environmental Law Clinic3 - 5Castleman, SteveNone
(unavailable)295.5HHuman Rights Clinic4 - 6Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295.5IAdvanced Human Rights Clinic1 - 10Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295.5TSamuelson Clinic4Crump / Stallman / UrbanNone
(unavailable)295.5UAdvanced Samuelson Clinic1 - 4Stallman / Urban / CrumpNone
(unavailable)295.5XAdvanced Policy Advocacy Clinic1 - 10Clark / Selbin / GreenNone
(unavailable)295.5YAdvanced East Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Polk, Z / Oyama, RNone
(unavailable)295.5ZEast Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Oyama, R / Polk, ZNone
(unavailable)295.6ACivil Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6BCriminal Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6CEnvironmental Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6JDomestic Violence Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.7AAway Field Placement8 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.7KIN Human Rights: Geneva Field Placement8 - 12Schechter, S / Richardson, ENone
(unavailable)295.8AJudicial Externship:Away8 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.8BJudicial Externships: Bay Area4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.9AUCDC: Law Field Placement8 - 12Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295BField Placement Workshop1Schechter / Najarro / IbrahimNone
(unavailable)295BField Placement Workshop1Adams, B / Schechter, SNone
32765295CCriminal Law Ethics Seminar2Schechter / Abraham / WuNone
(unavailable)295DUCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Seminar3Schechter, S / Lehtman, NNone
(unavailable)295HINHR: Geneva Advanced Field Placement Seminar1Schechter, S / Richardson, ENone
(unavailable)295JAway Field Placement Workshop1Jain, M / Schechter, SNone

Tax Law and Policy
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32929258.5258.5 sec. 001 - Partnership Tax
3Nguyen, A / Gergen, MTH
(unavailable)258.71258.71 sec. 001 - Corporate Tax Basics
1Gergen, MarkTH

Theoretical Perspectives
No Results

Wellness and Lawyering
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32858210.6210.6 sec. 001 - Mindfulness for the Legal Mind
2Cohen, JudithNone
32793227.2227.2 sec. 001 - Satisfaction in Law and Life
1Holmquist, KristenNone
32892287.11287.11 sec. 001 - Negotiating Trauma, Emotions & the Practice of Law
2Kaur, MallikaTBANone

Work Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
33039227227 sec. 001 - Labor Law
3Fisk, CatherineTBATH
32949227.22227.22 sec. 001 - Work Law
4Reddy, DianaF
See Also:
32793227.2Satisfaction in Law and Life1Holmquist, KristenNone