Apart from their assigned mod courses, 1L students may only enroll in courses offered as 1L electives. A complete list of these courses can be found on the 1L Elective Listings page. 1L students must use the 1L class number listed on the course description when enrolling.
220.6 sec. 004 - Constitutional Law (Spring 2024)
Instructor: Ruben Garcia
View all teaching evaluations for this course - degree students only
Units: 4
Grading Designation: Graded
Mode of Instruction: In-Person
WTh 08:00 AM - 09:50 AM
Location: Booth Auditorium
From January 10, 2024
To April 18, 2024
Course End: April 18, 2024
Class Number: 33059
This course is open to 1Ls.
Enrollment info:
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
Enroll Limit: 90
As of: 07/30 03:46 PM

Constitutional Law focuses on the constitutional provisions creating the American system of government and protecting individual liberties. The course will focus especially on the methods that are used by judges and lawyers for analyzing and interpreting the Constitution.
The course material touches upon six broad areas of constitutional cases and controversies: 1) judicial review and the methods of constitutional interpretation; 2) the structure of the Constitution’s protection of individual liberties, examining several principles that apply to the constitutional provisions protecting civil rights and civil liberties; 3) the due process clauses of the fifth and fourteenth amendments and the rights protected under them; 4) the constitutional guarantee of equal protection of the law; 5) he separation and balance of powers among the three branches of the federal government and 6) the scope of congressional powers and their relationship to state governments.
Requirements Satisfaction:
View teaching evaluations for this class - degree students only
Exam Notes: (TH) Take-home examination
(Subject to change by faculty member only through the first two weeks of instruction)
Exam Length: 8 hours
Course Category: Public Law and Policy
If you are the instructor or their FSU, you may add a file like a syllabus or a first assignment to this page.
No reader.
Required Books are in blue
- Constitutional Law
Erwin Chemerinsky
Edition: 7th
Publisher: Aspen
e-Book Available: Yes
Price: To Be Determined