292C sec. 001 - Advanced New Business Legal Bootcamp (Fall 2023)
Instructor: William A Kell (view instructor's teaching evaluations - degree students only | profile)
View all teaching evaluations for this course - degree students only
Units: 1
Grading Designation: Credit Only
M 3:35 PM - 5:25 PM
From October 02, 2023
To December 04, 2023
W 3:35 PM - 4:50 PM
From October 02, 2023
To December 04, 2023
Course End: December 04, 2023
Enrollment info:
Enrolled: 1
Waitlisted: 0
Enroll Limit: 3
As of: 02/07 02:03 PM

The one-unit Advanced New Business Law Bootcamp Seminar is for students who have completed the New Business Law Bootcamp (292B). Enrolling in the Advanced New Business Law Bootcamp Seminar allows these students to participate in the New Business Community Law Clinic, so long as they also elect four credits of the companion New Business Community Law Clinic clinical component. (Law 295.5M). Enrolling in the Advanced New Business Law Bootcamp Seminar is by application. Students can apply through the Berkeley Law Clinic Programs: https://www.law.berkeley.edu/php-programs/forms/clinics/clinical_application.php.
The New Business Community Law Clinic program provides experiential learning to students while assisting start-up businesses. The seminar will prepare students for transactional lawyering and consulting with entrepreneur clients of limited means, but in the larger sense, will demonstrate in-depth what is needed to start a successful business. The course will also examine ethical issues and other critical practice matters for transactional lawyers and other professionals.
Teaching methods include classroom lectures, panels and simulations. Students work in teams and under Instructor supervision to research and formulate options that will address their entrepreneur clients' needs.
Traditional topic areas will be examined and applied, particularly in the context of assisting new businesses. Areas of law will include: business regulation, risk management, contracts, intellectual property, and taxation. Areas of business management will include financing, marketing, business planning, and evaluating financials. Mixed areas of law and business management will be examined, including entity formation, capital formation, and tax planning. Students will have the opportunity to provide supervised legal help to entrepreneurs in California's Bay Area and Central Valley, in a variety of contexts: 1:1 full service representation, limited service walk-in office hours, and legal trainings. Students may also research and develop content for the New Business Law Clinic’s online legal resource library for entrepreneurs of limited means. Until it is safe to meet in-person, all client meetings and community workshops will be conducted via Zoom.
New Business Legal Bootcamp students participate in the first 5 weeks of classes for the NBCLC Clinic Seminar (Law 292A). Consequently, Advanced Legal Bootcamp students begin client work starting in the first week of the semester, but they begin attending the Clinic Seminar class later in the semester, starting in week 7.
Requirements Satisfaction:
View teaching evaluations for this class - degree students only
Exam Notes: (None) Class requires a series of papers, assignments, or presentations throughout the semester
(Subject to change by faculty member only through the first two weeks of instruction)
Course Category: Clinics
This course is listed in the following sub-categories:
Business Law
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