251.72 sec. 001 - The Court of Public Opinion: Storytelling for Corporate Lawyers (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Aaron Zamost (view instructor's teaching evaluations - degree students only)
View all teaching evaluations for this course - degree students only
Units: 1
Grading Designation: Credit Only
Mode of Instruction: In-Person
W 6:25 PM - 8:15 PM
Location: Law 12
From August 23, 2023
To October 04, 2023
Course End: October 04, 2023
Class Number: 32019
Enrollment info:
Enrolled: 18
Waitlisted: 0
Enroll Limit: 20
As of: 02/07 02:03 PM

NOTE: This class will be highly interactive. Please only enroll if you are prepared to be an active participant.
Good communications skills have always been a critical part of successful lawyering. This is especially true in companies, where in-house counsel must partner with their corporate communications colleagues to buttress legal arguments with compelling storytelling related to litigation, crises, mergers and acquisitions, business, and policy issues. And they must do so while addressing varied audiences, including the media, regulators, Wall Street, employees, and others.
This class will explore the relationship between the legal profession and its more-public counterparts in successfully telling stories that advance the interests of clients.
Attendance at the first class is mandatory for all currently enrolled and waitlisted students; any currently enrolled or waitlisted students who are not present on the first day of class (without prior permission of the instructor) will be dropped. The instructor will continue to take attendance throughout the add/drop period and anyone who moves off the waitlist into the class must continue to attend or have prior permission of the instructor in order not to be dropped.
Requirements Satisfaction:
View teaching evaluations for this class - degree students only
Exam Notes: (T) Course ends in a final practice trial, arguments, or other presentation (e.g. Powerpoint)
(Subject to change by faculty member only through the first two weeks of instruction)
Course Category: Business Law
This course is listed in the following sub-categories:
Simulation Courses
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