Eisenberg Festschrift

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The Law School will hold a symposium to honor Mel Eisenberg, the Jesse Choper Professor of Law (Emeritus). Professor Eisenberg, who joined the faculty in 1966 retired from teaching at the end of the last academic year. Mel, has long been a fixture at the Law School. His scholarship ranged across the fields of Contracts, Corporations, Comparative Law and Jurisprudence. His teaching is the stuff of legends. Scholars from around the world will journey to Berkeley to present papers in tribute to him at the Festschrift. As part of the celebration, there will be a luncheon with seats available for former students who wish to join in the celebration of one of Boalt’s greatest scholars and teachers.

Click Here to RSVP for the event.

Click Here to view the agenda.

Guest Speakers will include:

Shawn Bayern, Florida State University, College of Law

Robert Berring, Berkeley Law *

Richard Buxbaum, Berkeley Law *

Jesse Choper, Berkeley Law *

John Coffee, Columbia Law School

Bob Cooter, Berkeley Law

James Cox, Duke University School of Law

Richard Craswell, Stanford Law School

John Farrar, Emeritus Professor at Bond University, Australia

Jill Fisch, Penn Law School

Mark Gergen, Berkeley Law *

James Gordley, Tulane University Law School

Lewis Kornhauser, NYU School of Law

Robert Scott, Columbia Law School

Zenichi Shishido, Seikei University School of Law

Eric Talley, Columbia Law School


* Faculty Organizers for the Eisenberg Festschrift.


Please contact Event Services Unit at: esu@law.berkeley.edu if you have any questions.