224.3 sec. 001 - Social Justice Issues in Entertainment and Media Law (Fall 2024)
Instructor: Russell K Robinson (view instructor's teaching evaluations - degree students only | profile)
View all teaching evaluations for this course - degree students only
Units: 3
Grading Designation: Graded
Mode of Instruction: In-Person
M 3:35 PM - 6:15 PM
Location: Law 134
From August 19, 2024
To December 02, 2024
Course End: December 02, 2024
Class Number: 33399
Enrollment info:
Enrolled: 20
Waitlisted: 0
Enroll Limit: 25
As of: 01/10 02:03 PM

This course will explore contemporary social justice issues in the entertainment, media and technology industries. For example, we will consider the #MeToo and #OscarsSoWhite movements and broader issues of structural underrepresentation and discrimination against women, people of color, LGBTQ people, and other marginalized groups in Hollywood. We will explore backlash to these movements. The class will engage questions concerning inclusion in the tech industry, as well as how new technologies may perpetuate or disrupt discrimination. The class will include guest speakers from impacted industries and viewing and critiquing excerpts of relevant film and TV programs.
Attendance at the first class is mandatory for all currently enrolled and waitlisted students; any currently enrolled or waitlisted students who are not present on the first day of class (without prior permission of the instructor) will be dropped. The instructor will continue to take attendance throughout the add/drop period and anyone who moves off the waitlist into the class must continue to attend or have prior permission of the instructor in order not to be dropped.
Requirements Satisfaction:
View teaching evaluations for this class - degree students only
Exam Notes: (P) Final paper
(Subject to change by faculty member only through the first two weeks of instruction)
Course Category: Social Justice and Public Interest
This course is listed in the following sub-categories:
Race and Law
If you are the instructor or their FSU, you may add a file like a syllabus or a first assignment to this page.
A reader will be used in this class.
Instructor has indicated that no books will be assigned.