Law Schedule of Classes

NOTE: Course offerings change. Classes offered this semester may not be offered in future semesters.

245.9S sec. 001 - International Business Negotiations (Summer 2023)

Instructor: Jay Gary Finkelstein  (view instructor's teaching evaluations - degree students only | profile)
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Units: 1
Grading Designation: Credit Only
Mode of Instruction: Remote Instruction


TuTh 2:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Location: Internet/Online
From July 25, 2023
To August 03, 2023

Session: Session 3
Class Number: Click to show Class Number

Enrollment info:
Enrolled: 14
Waitlisted: 0
Enroll Limit: 30
As of: 08/24 11:52 PM

This course is structured around a simulated negotiation exercise in which half of the students in this class will represent a multi-national pharmaceutical company (KJH Pharmaceutical Corporation) and the other half of the students will represent an African agricultural production company (Malundian Cassava Corporation). The two companies are interested in working together to exploit a new technology developed by KJH Pharmaceutical that uses the cassava produced by Malundian Cassava Corporation. The form of their collaboration could be a joint venture, a licensing agreement or a long term supply contract. The negotiations will take place through written exchanges and through live negotiations.

The purpose of the course is to provide students with an opportunity (i) to experience the sequential development of a business transaction over an extended negotiation, (ii) to study the businesses and legal issues and strategies that impact the negotiation, (iii) to gain insight into the dynamics of negotiating and structuring international business transactions, (iv) to learn about the role that lawyers and law play in these negotiations, (v) to give students experience in drafting communications, and (vi) to provide negotiating experience in a context that replicates actual legal practice.

The thrust of this course is class participation and active involvement in the negotiations process. Students are expected to spend time outside of class, working in teams, to prepare for class discussions involving the written exchanges as well as to prepare for the live negotiations. Class discussions will focus on the strategy for, and progress of, the negotiations, as well as the substantive legal, business and policy matters that impact on the negotiations.

In order to successfully complete this class, students must meet the following requirements:

1) Active participation in (i) class discussions concerning the negotiation, (ii) the preparation of the written exchanges in the negotiation, (ii) the live negotiations, and (iii) class analysis of the process and progress of the negotiations. Participation in the exercise will constitute 75% of the final grade.

2) Write a 2-3 page paper that will be due at the end of the class. The topic of the paper will be selected from various recommended topics or a topic of your own choosing (approved by the instructor). This paper will constitute 25% of the final grade.

Detailed class schedule and preliminary assignments (readings and a 1-hour pre-recorded presentation) are in the syllabus.

NOTE: This course will be taught via Zoom and real time attendance at all four class meetings is required. You will be dropped if you do not attend.

View teaching evaluations for this class - degree students only

Exam Notes: (P) Final paper  
(Subject to change by faculty member only through the first two weeks of instruction)
Course Category: Negotiation and Dispute Resolution

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