Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Berkeley Law is committed to an inclusive environment for all students in our community. Fundamental to that commitment is ensuring that students with disabilities have equal access to the curriculum and programs the law school offers. Students with disabilities can receive accommodations and services including, but not limited to, exam accommodations, academic support services (such as alternative media support, in-class note-takers, or sign language interpreters), mobility support services, attendant referrals, and housing assistance. Berkeley Law collaborates with UC Berkeley’s Disabled Students’ Program (DSP) on main campus to assess and implement these accommodations and services. 

If you think you will require accommodations in the form of equipment, services, or modifications to the law school’s academic program, please contact DSP as soon as possible to discuss your needs ( You will be asked to provide documentation of your disability, so that a DSP specialist can review the information and recommend appropriate accommodations. More information about the documentation they may request can be found here:

We advise you to contact DSP well in advance of the fall semester so that accommodations can be arranged before classes begin on Monday, August 17, 2020. Please contact DSP directly with any questions about their process:

Once DSP has made their accommodation recommendations, you should contact the Student Services office to arrange a meeting to discuss your accommodations. Ideally, this meeting will take place during the first two weeks of the semester (or over the summer before you start). In the interim, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about accessibility and/or disability accommodations at the law school. You can reach Kyle Kate Dudley, Assistant Director of Student Services, Accessible Education at

Have an enjoyable summer! We look forward to meeting you in August.