For 25 years, the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology has been the focal point at the UC Berkeley School of Law for teaching, research, convening, and student activities on issues at the intersection of law and technology.
Looking ahead to our second quarter century, our curriculum continues to expand to prepare our students for traditional and emerging areas of practice. The scholarship of BCLT’s faculty directors is influencing the direction of the law across a wide range of topics. Our conferences and workshops bring together practicing attorneys, in-house counsel, judges, policymakers, and scholars to learn from each other about the legal developments shaping our technological future.
BCLT was the first center of its kind. After 25 years, we are still growing. In 2019 alone, we added two new faculty directors, bringing our total to 17. At a time of trade wars and international tension, our Asia IP Project provides a much-needed forum for deepening relationships and understanding of IP law on both sides of the Pacific. Our recruiting efforts are paying off with a 1L class that is the most racially diverse and with the highest percentage of STEM degree holders in years. Our partnership with the Federal Judicial Center continues providing federal judges with a balanced education in the basics of IP law.
All of this is made possible by the funds we raise. In honor of our 25th anniversary, and to keep us strong for the next quarter century, please donate to BLCT or the Berkeley Technology Law Journal Scholarship.